Loki POV

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I watched her walk back inside, her hips swaying as she walked. She knew she was attractive and damn she knew what to do with it. When I walked out and caught her just staring at the sky I had to try and get a glimpse of what was in her head, but when I tried it was like a shock sent me flying back out. The more I studied her, the more interested I became. I'd seen her and Bucky slip away from the others and I'd never been so annoyed at something in my life, not even when I found out that I was essentially adopted. I'd let her have her fun for a few minutes and then I went to find Barton.
"Just thought you'd like to know, your daughter has just slipped away with Bucky." I told him interrupting his conversation with Nat. I smiled and went to sit back down, when I turned round he was gone. Humans were too easy to manipulate, it was almost comical.

From listening to her conversations I knew she had a sweet tooth, loved reading romance novels (what mortal female doesn't?), and she knew how to have fun despite being shut away for so long. I got the feeling there was things she had done that Barton would not of approved of. This made me smile, she was a rebel and a good girl all wrapped into one. There's not a man, God or creature alive that would be able to resist the aura she gives off. The way she called me out on how I was acting was interesting, not many people would have the guts to do that but she just said what she was thinking, it was refreshing. Finally a mortal that actually grabbed my attention.

I left it a few moments to get my emotions in check, I could tell this was going to be a habit I would have to get into being around her. How she had to power to feel emotions I wasn't sure but I was determined to find out. Heading back inside I heard her laughing, not the little giggle she'd been giving to people all night but a proper full on laugh that came from the bottom of her stomach and all the way up through her body.
"Seriously, you've got his panties in a right bunch. What did you do to him?" I reminded myself to make Thor pay for that comment. She didn't need to know how much she affected me. Staying round the corner where they couldn't see me I listened in on their conversation.
"I honestly don't know Thor, he just riles me up and makes it so easy to call him out on his shit. He acts as though he doesn't care, and that he's above everyone else but I can feel the loneliness seeping off him, he wants to be accepted for who he is but I don't think he even realises it. He just hides behind this character he's built for himself."
Thor chuckles, "How is a girl of your few years able to see what people who live for centuries cannot? You're right about the act, he needs to appear like the big bad wolf but that's not who he is, he never has been. It's why I'll never give up on him and I'll never turn my back on him. Just be careful, he can get very uptight when he thinks people are close to learning the truth and he will do whatever he can to make sure they don't see the real him."
How did he know that? I've made it my life mission to make sure people see what I want them to and nothing more. He's my brother but he's not my friend, I'm not stupid enough to need friends, no one to love means no one to lose. I learnt that the day my adoptive mother, Frigga died. I wouldn't go through that pain again.
She gives a small chuckle, "Honestly I have no plans to get close to him, I'm here to learn how to control these powers and learn to defend myself and then I'm gone. I want to go see the world, I want to meet new people, learn about the different cultures and maybe make a few bad decisions along the way."
Wow, she amazes me with every little thing I learn about her. I need to figure her out so that this curiosity is satiated and I can move on.
I hear her walk back towards the others and I come out from round the corner to see Thor standing there against the wall with a look on his face that tells me he knew I was there the whole time.
"Brother." I walk past him, not in the mood for his antics and go back to my seat.

"Truth or dare!" Wanda shouts, everyone groans but I know full well it will happen anyway, it always does when they have a few too many drinks. I enjoy it when they start to spill their secrets, it's entertaining to see them all make fools of themselves. Usually I don't participate, but when I see y/n jump up and get excited I have to get involved just to make sure she doesn't end up calling me out on what she already knows.
"Well y/n is the newbie, I think she should go first," all their heads turn and look at me like I've grown a second head but no one dares comment on it, they know better than that.
"Fine by me, give it your best shot Loner Boy." She shoots me a look that tells me she's not scared by the stares I give her or the way I talk to her. I give her a subtle smile, I can't help it, she's extremely entertaining. "Truth or dare little one?" I ask knowing already she's going to chose truth because choosing a dare in front of her father would not end well for her. Then she goes and opens her mouth, "Dare" she almost challenges me.
It's this point that idiot Stark opens his mouth, "I dare you to kiss the most attractive person in the room," she looks at me first for a brief moment before she turns away.
Barton groans, "Really Tony? That's my daughter!"
"Hey, don't like it you know where the door is," he looks at Barton and they both chuckle before turning back to look at y/n.
She looks so uncomfortable but I already know she's too stubborn to turn down the dare, turning to Bucky she grabs him and pulls him in for a kiss that reeks with lust and desire. I think she's honestly got feelings for the man until she opens her eyes and looks straight at me before anyone notices she pulls away and smiles.
"Jesus Kiddo, your old man is sitting right here, couldn't you of kept it a bit more censored than that?" She looks at Barton and laughs, "Hey like Tony said, you know where the door is." He just sighs and goes to get another drink.

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