+ Mary

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How you met

You guys met at the depth settlement party.
Although you just talked to her for a while she felt a strange connection toward you and this girl turned from a tsundere to  a yandere real fucking quick

When she want attention

She make it as unobvious as possible or as obvious as possible.

Sometime she'll give hints like giving you food or headpats.
And sometime she'll just straight up asked you for it.
"oi give me attention not them" she'd say
"it's not like I want to eat with you anyway" is also what she'd say

Honestly there's nothing consistent with this girl.
Well except for her undying love and obsessive behavior over you.

When someone bothered you

This bitch become a thousand times better at whatever game it is.
And trust me when I say,she doesn't hold back on her insults.
She doesn't
If you're on the line she will make sure whoever it is gets what they get.
The poor guy was hysterical and have to be bought to the hospital due to shock,anxiety and stress.

Yeah he didn't make it but hey.
Atleast you're safe with her now.

Yandere kakegurui x female reader One Shot(completed) Where stories live. Discover now