Reality is an illusion.

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~Bill pov~

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME!!!" I screamed ,Gideon had locked me in her mindscape and teleported her and him out.

That locket is a menace to society.

A demon forced to bend to the will of that tiny man.

It's humiliating.

You know ,I must admit that I am kinda getting sick of these annoying little side characters of Y/n's life butting in to our relationship every few seconds.

That's all that they really are ....side characters.

They aren't like us.

Y/n can fake and pretend that she thought that I was going to kill her.

I would never kill my other everything.

She knew that.

You see...we toy with each other.

After all why else would Y/n hang around with Pinetree and all those other pathetic mortals.

That's all part of the game you see...a sort of inside joke between the two of us.

It's a sort of joke that doesn't need to be verbalized...we just both understand it.

She must've only been letting me into her mind in the parts that she wanted me to see.

They don't possess the powers that we possess.

I can't believe how long it took me to figure it out but once I saw that green lightning, I knew the truth.

Then I knew...that she knew the truth ....all along.

I have to give credit to her acting skills though ,she almost convinced me that she thought I was going to end her life.

Her fear looked so delicious.

She had to have known...right?

Her acting was so real.... but then again what is "real"?

Remember reality is a illusion.

Of course,I forgot the number one rule.

How silly of me.

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now