Kazuichi x GN Reader

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(This is after trial 2 in Danganronpa Goodbye Despair, so if you haven't played that part, I recommend not reading this because there will be spoilers!)

Disclaimer: Some of these characters are NOT mine and do NOT belong to me.

Words: 863

(The narrator is the Ultimate Engineer cause why not 😪)

It was just after Peko's execution. It hurt me so bad to see Fuyuhiko crying. I wasn't very close friends with Peko because I didn't get out of my cottage that much. I was scared.. of being killed.


"You must kill each other to graduate!" The small black and white tanuki said.

//End of flashback//

I didn't think anyone would kill.. just to escape the island. After I saw Byakuya's corpse underneath that table, and Mahiru's body leaned up against the door.. I was proven otherwise. After the trial, I went back to my cottage with a shocked look on my face. I was exhausted from all the investigating and the 2 hour trial. I just wanted to go to bed and hope that this was a nightmare. I opened the door to my cottage and let out a big sigh. The monitor in my cottage displayed the black and white tanuki from before, he was holding a margarita maybe? "Ahem! Hopes Peak Academy School Trip Executive Committee has an announcement to make.." I thought to myself "What is it this time..?" "It is now 10:00 p.m!" "Please return to your rooms and relax. Let the sound of the ocean gently rock you to sleep." "Now then, sweet dreams everyone! Goodniiiiiight.." I was so tired I didn't even bother taking a shower or undressing. I walked past the tools on the floor and fell straight on the bed. I was slowly drifting to sleep. I suddenly heard a loud noise.

*knock* *knock*

"Oh my god who is it this time..?" I mumbled to myself. I sloppily walked to the door. I unlocked the door and turned the knob. There was a pink haired boy standing in the door. "Uhh, hey!" He said. I remember him, umm I think he's the Ultimate Mechanic? Kazuchinni Cola? Or is it Kazuizi Noah? "What are you doing up so late..?" I said in a tired voice. "I just wanted to check up on you!" He said happily. "Uhh what's your name again..?" I said without thinking. He stared at me in disappointment. "Kazuichi Soda." He said blandly. "Soda.. huh.." I whispered to myself. "Can I come in?" Kazuichi said. "Are you here to kill me?" I said again without thinking. "Uhh.. no..?" He said awkwardly. "Okay.. I guess you can come in." He walked in with a happy look on his face. "Uh, just sit on the bed." "I was about to shower until you knocked on the door." I lyingly said. "Soooooo, I'm gonna go shower.. you can do whatever you want." I grabbed an extra pair of clothes that the black and white bear prepared for me. I closed the door to my cottage's bathroom and turned on the shower. The shower's water heated up pretty quickly. I undressed and got in the shower.

// After the shower //

I stepped out of the shower, looking for a towel. The only towel in the bathroom was a tiny rag. "Shit! I left my towel on the bed!" I whispered to myself. I let out a sigh. I cracked the door open a little. "Uhm.. Kazuichi?" I yelled to him through the crack in the door. "Yeah, what's up?" He replied. "I um.. kinda.. left my towel... on the bed.. and there's no other towels in here..." I said embarrassingly. "Oh uh shit.." I heard him say quietly. "How about you just cover your eyes and I'll grab the towel..!" I shouted. "Uhm.. yeah! Good idea!" I'm really hoping he didn't mean that sarcastically. I peaked out the door and saw he was covering his eyes with his hands. "Okay, I'm gonna grab the towel, I'll tell you when I've grabbed it!" "Alright!" He said muffled. I double checked to see if he was really covering his eyes. He was, but he was also blushing super hard. I ran quickly out of the cottage's bathroom door and grabbed the towel next to Kazuichi on the bed. I could feel myself blushing. I ran hastily to the bathroom with the towel in hand. I then wrapped the towel around my body and shouted to Kazuichi. "Alright, you can uncover your eyes now! I'll get changed quickly!" "O-okay!" He said. I got changed as fast as I could. I then brushed my hair with a hairbrush by the sink. I came out of the bathroom. I looked over at Kazuichi and his face got super red. He looked away. We chatted for the rest of the night about some inventions we had made at home. We went to bed at about maybe 1:00 or 2:00 a.m? We were both going to sleep on the bed in my cottage, but he got really red when I brought it up, so he just went back to his cottage to sleep. I slept super good that night.

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