Chapter 19- A Lazy-ish Day

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Tillie's P.O.V

I went back to the common room after lunch. I felt refreshed after the flight with the thestrals. It was brilliant. And I also got to spend time with Oliver too! It was so fun. Me and him need to do something like that again.

I got to the common room and sat on the sofa, everyone following after me. I was sat by the arm of the sofa, George on my left, Lee next to him, Oliver on the chair next to me, and Fred was laid on top of mine, George's and Lee's lap, his head on my lap. We smiled as we talked about what prank to pull on Filch next. Merlin, he's going to be fed up of us very quickly!

I played with Fred's hair as we talked, looking at the map as discreetly as we could to go over the route and the plan once more. We were going to do the most common prank we have. Stink bombs. Fred, George and Lee would drop all the stink bombs we have, while me and Oliver attempt to distract Filch somehow. We'll think of something. The boys are going to drop the stink bombs at the Entrance Hall, hopefully getting Peeves to help. Me and Oliver are going to have to drag the caretaker all the way to the other side of the school. We'll probably say something about Mrs Norris.

We're all going to execute the plan tomorrow, just after lunch time. It's going to be great, but smelly.

We talk for a little longer before we do a little bit of our homework and go down to dinner. We all went down and I sat next to Angie, everyone sitting around us. I grabbed a couple of potatoes, chicken and peas and put them on my plate, grabbing some water to drink before starting on my meal. Hogwarts food is good. They make giant tables of food! It's brilliant. I finish my plate just in time for dessert. I grab a cupcake and bite into it, humming contently at the taste.

Once we had finished, we all headed back upstairs. I changed into my pjs and a hoodie, putting on my outdoors slippers and leaving my dorm. I yawned as I put my hair in a ponytail and went out to the courtyard. I sat by the fountain and watched the water, ignoring people who walked past. I dipped my hand into the water, feeling the sharp coldness of it.

I heard footsteps behind me and turned around to see Flint. No surprise there. He always finds me when I'm alone. I turned to him and raised my wand. To my surprise, he raised his hands in defence, "Wait, wait!" he told me. I lowered my wand as he spoke again, "I wanted to apologise," he said "I was a complete wanker and I shouldn't have been like that to you." he said, bowing his head. I put my wand in my pocket and looked around to see if this was a joke and his friends were here or not. "I just wanted you to like me and I thought that'd help" he said, scoffing as if he couldn't believe himself. I looked back to him and walked a little closer to him. "I'm sorry" he said looking up at me, "Could we be friends?" he asked, holding his hand out. I looked at it for a minute, deciding on whether I should or not.

I took his hand and shook it, "Alright, Flint." I nodded. He smiled to me, and I smiled back a little, "Now, off you go before my brothers find me" I said. "Right" he nodded, turning his back and leaving, "Goodnight." he said before he was out of sight.

I sighed and walked back to the common room, dragging my hand across the wall along the way. I finally got back and went to my dorm. I put my wand on my bedside table and got into bed, falling asleep almost instantly.

A/n- Hi, sorry this chapter is so late, I've had tests and after school things getting in the way of me writing. I hope you liked this chapter and have a good morning/day/evening.

Also, thank you for 5k reads :))

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