Last Christmas

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Checking your phone, 11:57 pm on Christmas Eve had somehow turned to 12:06 am on Christmas Day. You slipped the device back into your pocket and smiled at Cas, who then returned it as you walked down an old and no longer used subway corridor. It was a tradition to explore abandoned subways in the early hours of Christmas morning.

"Merry Christmas, Cas."

You reached into your small shoulder bag to pull out the gift intended for Cas when somebody pushed you against the tiled wall. A hand pinned to your shoulder, and something pierced the side of your gut. Looking up, Castiel's lips were curved into a twisted grin, remotely out of place on the protective celestial being. Evil filled his eyes as the coppery taste of blood began to fill your mouth. 

Excruciating pain filled you as you took a breath in. You scrunched your eyes and grimaced.

Why would Cas do this? He was your best friend. You had no idea why.

"Cas," You gasped.

His eyes glowed yellow as he pulled the blade out. You gave a gritted cry, your hand instinctively going to the wound now leaking blood.

"I've been looking forward to this day."

It wasn't Castiel's voice, but it came out of his mouth. It took on a southern drawl, voice darkly familiar to a certain lethal Knight of Hell. He tugged the bag away from you, pulling out the neatly wrapped gift. He ripped the paper off and gave a dark chuckle to the contents. It was a large transparent bauble with a picture of you and Castiel inside.

Your eyes widened, as did his grin.

You felt frozen, but you weren't sure if that was because you were going cold or because you were terrified. Your heartbeat rose at the moment. You knew you had to do something. Your free hand slapped the white tiling echoing in the empty subway, sidling along. Every movement pulled on your wound, causing a stabbing sensation. Instantly you were breathless, but you had to. You gritted your teeth and kept moving, eyes trained on 'Castiel'.

"You ain't goin' nowhere, missy. I finally got you. The one person Castiel and the Winchesters rely on more than anybody, and I got you cornered like a rat, bleeding out. Oh, darlin', you ain't getting out here alive."

You moved faster, grunting in pain.

Castiel's face turned sinister as his hand went out, striking you. Your face whipped to the side, and you slipped, your bloody hand leaving your side, hitting the wall in the dark wet crimson smeared the white tiles.

You stumbled before gaining your footing. Your heart was in your throat as you saw Asmodeus raise the blade. You weren't going to make it at the rate you were going.

He stabbed, this time perforating the other side of your stomach. You tried staunching the blood with your free hand.

You ambled along, struggling to breathe, hitching in quick gasped breaths. 'Castiel' tripped you, and you fell. You screamed in pain, bloody hands slapping the dirty subway floor. You coughed, watching as your blood splattered on the ground. You licked your lips gingerly, tasting the metallic liquid with your tongue.

You wanted to stop and to be still, but every part of your brain was screaming at you to get up and to keep moving. You had to find a way out. Slowly you lifted a leg, crying out as you pulled yourself up. You were losing blood, and you knew you couldn't carry on for long.

"Give up, girl. You won't win. You can't."

Maybe. Maybe not.

His fist connected with your kidney, and you screamed, hitting the wall again. Your afflicted kidney thrummed with a low, dull, and warm throb, your bladder filled, making you want to release it. Still, you ambled along, leaving a bloody trail as you walked.

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