Only Fools Rush In

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Charles and Anson have wrapped up the shooting for the day and are on their office set waiting for Michael to finish his last scene with Wico. They plan to head "home" together once he is done. "Home" is the house the production team rented for the shoot. After a week of shooting, Michael grew fond of the place and suggested that the three of them move in together in the same house to strengthen their friendship and in turn, the chemistry needed for the show.

They weren't exactly lacking in either of those departments, but they had really grown so close to each other that they actually wanted to live together to spend more time with each other, at least until the shoot was over. So when Michael brought it up, the other two jumped on the opportunity. They had already started calling each other by their character names, so it naturally felt like the next step to live in that house as those characters. Although it wasn't too difficult for the production team to rent out the house for an extra week, the crew needed a little bit of convincing because now they had an additional job of packing up and moving all the equipment to one of the unused rooms every night.

It had already been a week since they have started living in the house. It was a fun and new experience for all of them. They wind up their scenes and then watch the crew pack up and leave every night, while they just continue living there. Michael and Charles even lived close by, so they went home once a while but Anson would always be home, waiting for them to get back. He was liking this arrangement a bit more than the other two and wished to continue like this forever.

They had finished early that night so when they get home, Michael offers to cook for them. By now they've developed a routine among themselves. Michael was always in charge of cooking because Charles pretty much sucks at it and they both were afraid that Anson would just burn down the entire house if he tried. Anson took care of keeping the place shipshape and Charles was responsible for the well-being of everyone - making sure that they were eating well, sleeping on time, exercising as needed etc.

Every day, they eat together, watch TV or play for a while and then hang out discussing the day gone by or the upcoming scenes they plan to shoot the next day or just come up with ways to tease Wico on the set or prank him when he visits. This had become their most favorite pass time these days, to tease Wico until he loses his cool.

Michael usually retires early for the night which leaves Charles and Anson to continue their talks in one of their rooms, late into the night. They would then spend another hour or two just talking, mostly about the show, but occasionally personal stuff too. Sometimes, Charles would practice his guitar, and Anson would just sit and listen to him. In a short span, they got accustomed to this daily routine.


The trio had been living together for a month now and they were almost done with the shoot. They barely had 10 days of shooting and only a week left at the house. So Anson wanted to make the most of it, but Michael had to go home that weekend to meet his family. That left him alone with Charles for the whole weekend in the house. This was the first time that Michael was gone for so long and somehow Anson felt strange being alone with Charles in the house.

Even more than that, Anson is flustered that this is the last week they would be together here. He's not looking forward to part from Charles and it also upsets him a bit that Charles doesn't seem as bothered by the fact.

It was his first experience living with friends and it was also his first experience living with someone who he cherished so dearly. Even though he had known Charles a few months after his entry into this industry, they were never this close before. He helped him with his acting, advised him when needed and took care of him like no one ever did. He had never expected him to be this kind and Anson absolutely loved when Charles babied him more than necessary.

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