Chapter Sixteen: Emmaline

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I slowed the car down, watching with wide eyes as the crowd in front of Jake's Ice Cream Shop grew in size and got more out of control. I knew what was going on and couldn't hold back my smile. Aurora Lane. The name popped into my head as I turned the corner to go around to the back.

Driving around to the backside of the shop, I found a parking spot. Grabbing my purse and the armload of books I'd brought with me as I got out of the little vehicle, I slammed the driver's door behind me. I looked both ways, making sure it was safe to go inside as I adjusted the books in my arms and found the door leading inside.

I could hear the screaming and crying echoing through the small parlor once inside the small hallway. I almost walked back outside, it was so loud. How was I supposed to study with all this noise? Glancing at the corner booth where I could see my friends, I narrowed my eyes as a frown appeared on my face. There was Aurora, laughing and smiling as she sighed autographs while our other friends; Emily, Amelia, and Rachel huddled together in the back, trying not to get run over by the mob.

I was just going to let them be, truth be told. Let them be and I'd go work in the office; the large metal door alone would drown out the sound of screams. However, it was when a man with long brown hair went to talk to Amelia or more precisely went to grab her, that I'd had enough of the overbearing crowd.

Walking out from behind the counter, I missed the looks that Jake and Matt gave me. I just marched straight into the never-ending mass of people and right over to where Amelia was.

As I made my descent upon the large mass of people, my arms loaded down with books as I walked to where my friends sat and purposely dropped the stack of books on the table; making a loud thud sound throughout the room and the table wobbled a little. This caused everyone, including my friends, to stop what they were doing and pay attention to me. The noise died down considerably. Everyone faced me, watching as my pretty face darken with a frown as my now empty hands went to my hips.

The brown-haired man was still trying to get Amelia to sign something for him, his hand wrapped around my friend's upper right arm. I could tell Amelia was scared shit-less as she tried to get away from the stranger, her eyes glazed over with unshed tears. Emily had somehow gotten pulled away from the table in all the chaos while Rachel was busy trying to fight off some guys who thought they were superheroes or something, I didn't know exactly. Aurora, on the other hand, was just trying to get everyone to leave and thought if she just gave them what they wanted, then they would leave her alone, but more and more people just kept showing up. This was insane!

"Hey!" I yelled. The man stopped pulling on Amelia's arm, turning his head just in time to see a fist land right between his eyes. Blood spurted from his nose as he stared me down before his eyes crossed and he fell backward onto the vinyl floor with a loud thump sound.

Not a sound was heard throughout the room as everyone just looked at me, unable to believe that someone who was so small had landed a punch and made someone who was bigger than them unconscious. I then turned around, my sapphire eyes narrowed and dangerous. "I would suggest that y'all get out of here! This is a place of business, not an autograph signing! Now leave or I'll be forced to call the cops on all of you!" I said with authority.

In a span of five minutes, Jake's Ice Cream Shop was once more a peaceful business to be in. Glancing around to make sure no one else was going to bother my friends, I walked back to where I'd dropped my books at our table before sitting down. My friends just stared at me, smiles on their faces. Then Aurora screamed, making me wince before I was lunged at full force by the bubbly blond movie star.

"Oh! Thank you so much, Emma!" Aurora cried out as she hugged me. "I was trying to make them go, but no one was listening, and then more and more just kept coming. I just wanted to spend some peace and quiet with you guys! I have no idea how they found out I was back in Chicago, but oh my god!!!"

Amelia, who had herself back under control, smiled at me and nodded her head. "Yes, thank you so much. I was beginning to wonder if they'd ever leave."

"Well, at least no one got hurt," Emily said as she raised her hand, waving for her husband to come over.

Jake slowly came over, a little wary of the group of girls; but wanting to know if his wife was alright. Matt followed close behind, his eyes never leaving me. "Hey, girls.." Jake replied as he stood by our table. "Sorry about that. What can I get you?"

I just rolled my eyes. "You should have interfered before things got too out of control like they did," I scolded him. "Luckily I came along, huh? Anyways, how long have you known us, Jacob? Rachel will have a tea with two sugars and no lemons, Amelia will have a sandwich without the crust, Aurora and myself will have a strawberry shake and your wife will have a chocolate shake with a cherry on top." When no one said anything and just stared at me, I felt my cheeks heat up. "What?"

Shaking her head, Rachel smiled. "Nothing," she said as she lifted her gaze up to the man standing behind Emily's husband. Getting up from the table, she smiled when Amelia asked where she was going. "I'll be right back. Don't let Emma put anything strange into my tea."

"Hey! I resent that statement!" I called out as Rachel left the table. I watched as the two of them went to the back hallway, out of earshot. I wonder what she's saying to him?

"Hey, Emma! Did you see the latest trailer for my new movie?!" Aurora's voice cut through my thoughts as I turned my head back to the conversation at hand, leaving Rachel and Matt to their own devices. 

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