josh a bitch !!

7 0 0

2:53 am ...

Narrator pov : Kayla sees that she's going viral on Instagram for sucking dick so shes furious . so she calls Josh .

*phone line trills *

Hello ? Josh said

Ima fuckin kill you josh . Kayla said

What I do ? He responded.

You fucking exposed me ! that was suppose to be between me and you ! Kayla said yelling in the phone .

Josh was quiet cause he knew he was wrong .

Im fuckin 12 YEARS old josh . best believe I'm calling the police on you .

Kayla I will fuckin kill you hoe 💯 josh said with anger .

Okay well bye ! She said and hung up ..

Bra fuck ! Josh said hitting the steering wheel

Well Kayla isn't take this very to lightly cause Josh exposed her remember y'all Kayla is 12 and josh is 17...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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