The Project

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*Finnick pov*


*Ughhh why does practice have to start early in the morning..* I thought. " Hunny I have to go to work now but breakfast is ready so it'll be on the table, so hurry up and get dressed. You don't want to miss practice now, anyways love you bye" My mom said. " Yeah yeah I'm up.." I said while getting up. I looked at the clock that said it was 6:21 am. * I'm so glad its Friday* I thought. I got up to get dressed, I chose to wear a white button up shirt with ordinary black shorts that are cuffed and plain white socks. Then I grabbed my school's jacket that surprisingly looks nice with this outfit so why not wear it. Anyways I then grabbed another sweater just incase one of my girl classmates that need it, I put it around my waist. Once I was done changing i went down stairs to finally eat.

* After Eating *

After I was done brushing my teeth, I went down stairs to put my shoes on. I then look on my phone to see what time it is. * 6:47 am. I'm so lucky that I live 7 minutes away from my school*

* At Practice *

Once I got to the locker room I obviously changed into my gym clothes. After that I went into the gym to wait for the coach since he tends to come 2 minutes late so my team usually just talks for a bit. When Mr. Wyatt finally comes, he does the usual, like tells us what we're gonna practice and probably gonna do a practice match.

* Break *

" Hey Finnick I got a favor to ask you"  one of my teamates asked. His name is Johnny, if you ask me he seems pretty attractive especially when he has his earings on. He has dyed hair that has a bit of faded cyan, his bangs are over grown that it covers his eyes and he wears his glasses once practice and or when a game is over. Me and him are in the same classes so we're friends. " Uh Finnick you there..?" Johnny asked tilting his head a bit. " Huh.. oh sorry. Anyways, since when did I owe you?" I asked him. " Remember when you spilled orange juice on me and I told you owe me?" Johnny said. " Oh right.. sorry again.. So what do you want me to do for you?" I asked " Its more like answering a question" Johnny said. " Oh what's the question?". " Are you-" Johnny was about to say before he got interrupted " Breaks up boys time to do stretching before doing a practice match." Coach said " Oh uh ask me again later k." I said while smiling. " Yea, but we should get going or coach will give us a lecture.... again.." Johnny said while frowning a bit. I chuckled a bit " Yea "

* After Practice *

Once practice was over we all went to the change room " So what was that question you were about to ask?" " Huh oh umm I don't think this is the right place to ask.." Johnny said. " Oh ok"  I said as I was putting my shirt on, "  Don't we have a project in uh.." " Science you dumbass" Jax said. " Jeez just cause im forgetful doesn't mean im a dumbass.." I said while pouting " Oh shush you know I'm kidding.... ish" Jax said. " Hey! You jerk.. " I said " ok ok sorry." Jax said as he was putting his hands up surrendering. " Don't we have a partner for the project?" Johnny asked " Yea we do. I hope I get Sasha as my partner, what about you Finn?" Jax asked " I don't know to be honest maybe Ivorey or Johnny" I said. " Jeez you're like a couple or something" Jax said while laughing a bit. " Yea well we're not so just drop it already" Johnny said a bit too serious " Hey just calm down there John. You know how Jax is." Zander steped in. He's our captain on the basketball team. He's the tallest one in our team while I'm the shortest.. Anyways he's pretty cool and nice, he knows how to calm people down especially Johnny. Johnny may be cute but if you piss him off.. you'll most likely not come to school the next day. He has no filter when he's pissed off and if you make him more angry you may or may not get bitch slapped by him. I surprisingly I have not gotten him that angry. " You may be my friend but you really piss me off Jax.." Johnny said while giving Jax the death glare. Yea out of all of my teamates, Jax is mainly the reason why Johnny gets pissed cause Jax likes to tease the fuck out of anyone who's younger than him. " John remember what I told you about keeping your anger issues in control.." Zander said " Yea well blame that mother fucker" Johnny said while putting on his shirt. " Ouch I'm hurt Johnny. Protecting your boyfrend I see" Jax said. " Now you fucking down it you piece of kinder shit" Johnny said, walking up to Jax. * Shit he looks like he's about to beat the shit out of Jax* " John let's talk somewhere else shall we...." Zander said " But i hav-" Johnny said before getting interrupted by Zander " Now." Said while walking out of the change room. " fine." Said Johnny just as he slammed his locker. " Thats the first time I see Zander not being able to calm him down.." I said while putting my shoes on " Same here.. " Said the rest of the team. " Besides why was he that pissed about it. I mean you went way too far with it but still." I said. " No clue but Jax?" Said one of my teamates " Yea..?" Jax said " Could try and not be a dick to them. You out of all of us should know how Johnny gets when you piss him off." My teamate said. " Yea yea I know..." said feeling a little guilty. " I wonder what'll happen cause I've never seen Zander scolding anyone and thats saying something" I said while looking at Jax. " Yep its basically always coach scolding us." My teamate said " Anyways let's hurry up if we want to get to class" Jax said changing the subject.

* Science Class *

Since me and Johnny have science ill ask what happened and if he's calmed down.. hopefully cause we're eating with Jax at lunch and I don't want to see Jax getting the death glare while I'm eating Today. Once I sat down in my seat while I waited for Johnny to arrive. I waited for about 2 minutes to see Johnny walking into the class quickly. " Hey bud you good now?" I asked. " Yes now leave me alone.." John said while covering his face. * Weird* I thought. " Hello class. Today if you guys remember, we have a project today." Ms. Barsh said. " Anyways here are your partners"

Daisy - Asher
Zander - Johnny
Jax - Sasha
Jack - Farley
Xavier - Avorey
Daniel - Finnick
And so on

* Who the hell is Daniel?* I thought. " So for today you'll be working on what you can and whatever you didn't finish you'll work at one of your guys house got that?" The teacher said. Most of the class just nodded. Ms. Barsh just told us to go find their partners. " Hey Finnick right?" Someone said behind me " Uh yes?" I said " I'm Daniel, your partner"

And thats where I'll end it cause this is already long😅 but boi first chapter and it already has drama
anyways next chapter is a tiny bit spicy 😏 not gonna fully spoil it so find out next chapter byee ☺

fun fact - Finnick is actually really good at science that he's in 11 gr. science class and Johnny too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 26, 2021 ⏰

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