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CHAPTER ONE:˗ˏˋ charmed 'ˎ˗▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀▀

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˗ˏˋ charmed 'ˎ˗

IT WAS FRIDAY, june 14th 1985, day three of summer break for the young brunette, veronica collins. veronica was trilled that she could have a month and a half away from school just to hangout with her best friend, max mayfield. the brunette had been best friends with max for about almost two years, so they were very close.

veronica was getting ready to hangout with max at starcourt mall, so she had to look pretty decent. the young brunette decided to go for her girly look, like usual. the two girls had completely different styles, veronica was the more girly one who adored simple bows while max preferred to stay a bit more causal and less girly, which was still perfectly fine.

  once veronica was finished getting ready, she left to the kitchen where the telephone was to ring up max. " hello, it's veronica speaking."

  a soft voice picked up the telephone and answered. " hey, this is max, are you ready yet?"

  " yeah, i'm ready. i'm going to go get on my bike now, i'll meet you there." veronica replied then, hanging up the telephone.

  veronica was now on her way to the mall, on her bike. the mall wasn't too far away from veronica's house, only a five minute bike ride, luckily.

  after five minutes, veronica had arrived to the mall. she set her bike down and looked around for max. while looking for max, a young brunette, freckled, pale faced boy caught veronica's eye. he was very tall and looked quite familiar. that's when veronica realized, it was mike wheeler. mike had been in many of her classes before but she never got the chance to catch his cuteness.

  veronica never really had crushes and to be honest, she hated the taught of having one. the main reason being that she didn't want to end up falling in love. veronica hated falling in love, even though she hadn't ever been in love before. she just hated it. love was shit in her eyes.

while the young brunette was captured by mike's beauty, max tapped her shoulder, causing her to jump a bit.

" shit max, you fucking scared me." veronica took a deep breath.

" well you looked like you were daydreaming, so i had to get your attention some way." max laughed.

veronica rolled her eyes. " i wasn't daydreaming. now let's go inside."

max playfully rolled her eyes back and ran inside the mall along with veronica.


  only thirty minutes of shopping and both girls had tons of shopping bags. they both sure did love shopping but the amount of weight the bags had, made them tired.

  " do want to take a break from shopping and stop at scoops ahoy for some ice cream?" max asked her friend.

  " yeah why not. my arms hurt like hell because of all these shopping bags." veronica agreed. 

  the two young girls were only a few steps away from scoops ahoy which was definitely a relief.

  once veronica entered the ice cream shop, she tossed her shopping bags onto one of the tables and made her way to the front counter.

  " can i get a small strawberry ice cream please?" veronica asked exhaustedly, without even looking at the ice cream worker.

  " i was suppose to say, " welcome to scoops ahoy" before you ordered but yeah sure." the ice cream worker replied.

  veronica hadn't even bothered to look at who the ice cream worker was until she looked up and saw, steve harrington. the young brunette had taught steve was cute since she had seen him at her school a few times before but she'd never actually developed a crush on him.

max had been sitting at the table where veronica had tossed her shopping bags. she was way to exhausted to get up and order, so she decided to just shout it out. " make that two please."

steve nodded and began to make two small strawberry ice creams.

veronica stood patiently at the front counter, waiting for the ice cream cones to be made.

" here you go." steve handed veronica two small strawberry ice creams with a nice cake cone.

the young brunette grabbed the ice cream cones and realized she hadn't payed yet. " how much will this be?"

steve's voice got lower, " i'll give it to you guys free just for today."

veronica smiled and nodded while heading to the table where max was sitting.

" why didn't you pay?" max asked confused.

before veronica answered, she looked around to make sure nobody was around to hear her. " he let us have it free."

" i guess that was nice of him." max shrugged and licked some of her ice cream.

the brunette nodded and took a lick of her ice cream as well. while they ate their ice cream, both girls didn't say much as they just wanted to enjoy it.

veronica was seated wear she could see some of the stores in the mall and saw mike and his friends stop outside of scoops ahoy to talk. her chocolate brown eyes were stuck on mike. she just couldn't help but to look at him. unfortunately, that was all ruined when he caught her. veronica then stopped and felt a rush of embarrassment. she quickly looked back at him once more and he smiled at her. veronica smiled back and looked back away. the young brunette definitely was forming a crush on mike and she hated that, so fucking much.



ah chapter one is done! i really hope you liked it and please let me know if i misspelled something. i promise i do reread my stuff, i just suck at spelling lmao. anyways, please let me know what you thought about this chapter and chapter two should be out soon!
i love you so much! <3

— much love, -ANGELIC_THINGS- 2021

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