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A few quick notes

Some content warnings for implied/referenced character death (Marcy) and a bunch of cursing. Let me know if I need to add anything else.

This isn't really ship focused, but if you want you can look at it as Sashanne content. Just letting you know so you don't have the wrong expectations I guess.

Also, Sasha uses she/he pronouns here because it's a headcanon of mine and I like it. Marcy doesn't show up, but they are mentioned. He uses he/they pronouns here.

Uhhh I think that's about it. So, uh, enjoy!


She could hardly believe it.

You'd think that after a few days it would finally sink in that Anne was back. Apparently not, though. She came back. Sasha recited it again and again in his head. Anne came back. Anne's back. She's here. Yet, something in his head just refused to click.

She couldn't help but jump a bit every time she crossed paths with her. It was almost like running into a ghost. Each time, he couldn't help but notice things about Anne. Her hair looked cleaner, but there was always a stray branch or leaf that worked its way in it. Small cuts and healing bruises covered her arms and legs. Her eyes had permanent bags hanging under them. Guess Anne hasn't been able to sleep either.

Nobody would be able to sleep. Not after all of this.

It'd simply become routine for Sasha to wander around at night. No point in trying to sleep; he'd tried enough times to know it wouldn't work. So, she took to wandering around the empty streets of Wartwood. It never hurt to keep watch over the place at night. It's not like anyone would stop her anyways. So that's where he was now, taking in the ambience of the Amphibian night. Her boots crunched on the gravel dirt road as she ambled on to the town center.

What she didn't expect, though, was for Anne to be up and about as well. There she was, sitting at the fountain in the square, fiddling with something in her hands. Well, shit.

He was about to turn back, find somewhere else to brood and think, but something in him made her stop. Since when did Sasha Waybright back down from anything? It's just Anne. Nothing bad's gonna happen. It's not like he could ruin their friendship even more than he already has.

Besides, Sasha still had business to attend to. Wait, no, that sounds wrong. Too formal, too detached. Not like she could think of any better ways to phrase it. The thought had been circulating through her head ever since everything went down in Newtopia, a script that played through his head that he'd recite over and over until she knew it by heart. It was about time she'd gotten over with it.

So, she took a second to calm her nerves. You have to do this. Just go up and say it. With clenched fists and a steeled resolve, Sasha approached the fountain.

Anne looked up at the sound of boots walking up on the cobblestone floor. Sasha could see the different emotions work through Anne's face. Surprise, then suspicion, mixed with curiosity. She offered a small wave, while Sasha nodded in return. He gestured with his head, a silent request to sit with her. Anne scooted over and nodded toward the empty space next to her.

He sat down on the stone of the fountain, the sound of her clothes shifting around echoing in her head despite the calm noises of the night. They let the silence hang between them awkwardly. Things were still off between the two, and neither was willing to be the one to break the silence.

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