Why I Love My Friends

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Friends are the best, they tell you how it is, they give you constructive criticism, they can be mean, but that shows you just how much they care about you. They tell you secrets(That they trust you and you alone with), they trust you with their phones. So I have a lot of people at the school who are my friends and they trust me with their phones,the majority of my friends trust me with their phones.
If I was sad my friends would help bring up my mood and make it better for me. they would be their for me they would make me feel like I belong with them in society but I still feel as I don't belong in society as well as my friends do I feel sad or like I am an out cast, but my friends stay true and loyal to me.
All my friends know that I do sometimes take jokes too seriously it is not like I do it on purpose it's a habit plus I have done this for so long that it comes second nature to me like alot if things that come natural to me. But my friends have changed me for the better I think they all know this by now. I like to show my emotions on occasion and they are all ways with my friends. My friends have helped me so much in my life and I really don't know where I would be without my friends and without my family. My family can try to encourage me to do my best in school but they aren't there to baby sit me so it is good that the majority of my friends go to my school.
Everyone who meets me knows that when you first meet me I'm closed in and you don't really get to meet the real me, which is a fun, crazy, adorable, nice, sweet, sarcastic, and there is plenty more to say about myself but I don't want to go to deep ;) but when you get to know me better is when my outside shell cracks and my true self comes out and I can be mean but that is like a defence mechanism for me to be a little mean.

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