The Great People Who Help Me Learn From My Past.

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There are some great people who go to my school, I love these people, because they help me with some problems that I have while I am in school. some of these people I have known forever and they know me some what, like they know what makes me tick, they know what makes me happy and they know not to betray me or hurt me. since they have known me since i was little, these people know that I am very sensitive and I can have my feeling hurt easily. so some of my friends try not to hurt my feelings and when they do they try to fix it.
sometimes it seems like my friends understand me better than my family does. because it seems like my family does not understand me like my friends do, my friends understand me way better than my family does and I feel comfortable with my friends than I do with my family. The reason why is because I feel like I'm a loner in my family all the time I feel like my friends accept me and love me for who I am. I love going to school to see my friends, and this guy that i like he makes my day go a little bit better.
Okay so I still believe that my friends know me better than my own family sometimes, but I just don't know if my friends love me more than my family but to me all my friends are like family to me and I do treat almost all of my friends like my extended family, And I do try to treat all my friends like my family, because it does not matter what your race or skin color is if you're my friend and you are a close friend to me I see you as family and I won't screw over that family member but the same applies to said new family member I mean I love all my new family members they all have a major part in my life and I would be devastated if something were to happen to them.

which is all true I love my friends and family so much but if you are mean to me I will be mean right back

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17, 2018 ⏰

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