A new chapter of love

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Todoroki walks in the class as usual, he noticed that momo was there. Not that he cared.

(Time skip to 2:30)
After more that an hour momo came in soaked,cold and shivering and bruised. Shoto insisted to take momo to get cleaned up.momo had never seen him like this she thought....
Momo's pov:
I've never seen shoto so gentle and caring...
Should I be worried? Or....idk I'm probably over reacting! Yeah...over reacting...?

Shoto had a crush on momo for a while now
but he struggled to show it

Todoroki's pov:
Okay try not to hurt her....
I wonder who did this! I will beat the shit out of them...wait...when did I get so protective...

"OW!"😣 screamed momo. "What did I hurt you! I'm sorry..." said shoto. Todoroki's pov: shit did I just hurt her... ugh I could never forgive myself!

"Oh it's okay..." happily said momo. "OH MY! Look at the time it's 3:15 I've got to go sorry! Thanks for helping me shoto! :D" said momo

"Okay bye" said shoto..... god i love her so much... and I can't stop myself...

That's it for chapter 1 but I'll make some more soon (maybe) I've got a lot of school

Momo x todoroki (a new chapter of love) Where stories live. Discover now