{-feelings of love-}

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Todoroki smirks and starts to walk home. His mum made him  soba and left him to go to sleep. At night, shoto couldn't sleep he was restless thinking about momo. It was driving him crazy. He just wanted to be momo but then... he knows he acts so cold and doesn't express his feelings much.

Once momo arrived home, she received a text from a 'unknown person' suspiciously, momo responded with 'who are you?'
The unknown person sent a text saying
'Hello... I'm someone...well you have met before, anywho I've text you because I wanted you to know I'm your secret admirer and I love you sm! I want to meet you so badly! Xxx -from. ******* ****** (unknown person)'

Momo's pov:
Probably some crazy fan. Ig you get them a lot. But how did they get my number..? Did someone leak my phone number..... No couldn't have... I'm just paranoid yeah...

{- time skip -} next morning
Momo got ready and went to school
She saw todoroki and blushed a little
[ I think I may have a crush on shoto...]
Awaziwa walked in not long after momo and told everyone to get ready.

Todoroki couldn't stop staring at momo , whole she stared out the window. {time skip after classes} todoroki was nervous but built up the courage to ask momo to hang out. Since momo liked shoto she of course said yes. Then....

Sorry but I guess there gonna need to be a chapter 3 to find out hehehehe lol

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2021 ⏰

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