Chapter 1

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I really like Gong Jun and Shunxi, and my smitten ass really want to see their interaction with another puppy, Jackson hhaha. Then, Tada! finally I make a fanfic about them ahahaha. The story is mine but the characters inside isn't (of course duh! But my greedy ass hope they are mine hhahahahahha......okay, sorry ^_^!). Oh!!! Thanks for my beta reader Arami who makes a correction here and there😘😘. Well, without more further a do, enjoyyy it!!! Don't forget to leave a comment❤❤❤...till we meet again at next update..seee yaaaaa!!!😘😘😘😘😘


A faint sound of keyboard smashing can be heard from one of the biggest rooms in this entire building. Even when the sky has turned dark and stars are already dancing around accompanying a single moon, it doesn't make the only occupant inside that room stop his work. Only a small knock on his office table can finally take his attention away from his computer screen.

"It's already past midnight. Why are you still here, Han-ge?" He asks without taking his eyes off, knowing so well who his intruder is. The said intruder gives the same question back to him instead of answering them.

"Like you said, why are you still working, Gong Jun?" asks Zhehan back, trying to take a peek on his lit computer screen. "Just checking things out," he replies with a nonchalant shrug.

"You already revised that document and tested the application many times for tomorrow." The older one reminds him when he catches sight of what Gong Jun is doing on his computer.

"I know, but I want to make sure everything will run according to our plan and you know it so well I can't afford to screw it up." Gong Jun replies with deflated shoulders. On a closer look, he does seem a little restless, a bit different from his usual confident self.

A small understanding smile graces Zhehan lips and says, "Rest assured, Gong Jun. We are on this together. You need a good rest for tomorrow". With a gentle pat he ushers Gong Jun to get ready. "Come on, let's go home."

Realising tired creeping up his already weak body, he finally saves the document and shuts his computer down, then follows his da-ge out of his room to his car.

"Take a little sleep. I will wake you up when we reach home." Zhehan says after the younger one sits comfortably beside him then starts to ignite his car engine and drives out of the parking lot.

A soft tune from a radio is being played to accompany their journey home, lulling Gong Jun's tired body to a well needed sleep. Zhehan drives his car slowly whenever he meets road bumps. He is being extremely careful not to wake Gong Jun up without forgetting to smooth the tiny crease every time it appears on his cute sleeping face.

Around 30 minutes long, they finally reach Gong Jun's home. A soft brake shakes Gong Jun awake.

"Are we home?" mumbles Gong Jun sleepily while rubbing his eyes. He gathers his senses then exits the car and enters his house with Zhehan in tow, making sure he doesn't stumble and brings himself straight to a wall. Surely after Gong Jun is safely tucked under the comforter inside his room, he leaves his house with a little reminder that he will pick him up tomorrow at 7 AM sharp.

Once Gong Jun hears the sound of the door closing and Zhehan's car drifting away from his house, he opens his eyes and stares blankly at his white ceiling. All the events that day come crashing right before his eyes, making him gripping on his comforter hard.

Attending the meeting, being anxious for the launching of his application, checking all the stuff through his staff and many more have been his daily routines since the day his parents died 7 years ago. Time surely flies so fast. Remembering the struggle he is going through since his teen days-balancing school work, managing the restaurant his parents inherited, and taking care of his younger siblings-makes him wonder how he still survives until now.

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