Artemis - Cosplay

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Cosplay - Artemis

This was BearWarrior3000s idea he gave to me. Yall ever played Skyrim? Well Artemis cosplays as Aela the Huntress. Yep.

Cosplay - Artemis

Percy sighed as he kicked the box and it slid across the room. They were like three boxes in and he was already tired. His girlfriend, Artemis, stood across the room with her sleeves rolled up and her hands on her hips. "You can't be serious." She said seriously, looking at him.

Percy fell back onto his childhood bed. "This is too much wooork." He groaned. Artemis wanted to facepalm right then and there.

"We have been working for twenty minutes." She muttered, continuing to shove his belongings in another box. Percy craned his neck to the left to look at her, nodding.

"Exactly!" He exclaimed, making Artemis sigh and shake her head. Percy turned and looked around the room, before settling his gaze on top of the dresser where a small tv sat with a small black box underneath it. "I mean, look at this! Let's play Xbox! It's my old 360." He informed her, reaching over and brushing dust off the top before turning it on.

Artemis ignored him and continued packing up, with Percy lounging on the bed waiting for the console to turn on. "Oh man, this is nostalgic." Percy sighed when the home screen finally loaded. He saw that the disc in the drive was Skyrim, and seeking to find some long lost teenage memories, he opened it up.

He looked at his girlfriend and nodded to the bed. "C'mon Arty. Just a few minutes. We've got all afternoon to pack up. You'll love this game, it's called Skyrim." He tried to persuade her. Artemis nearly broke for a moment, but steeled herself and continued to try and get the job done.

What would surprise most people is that the goddess of the hunt was a weirdly avid gamer, something she and Percy had quickly bonded over. He preferred more chill single player experiences while Artemis revelled in the joy of crushing losers in shooter games and then getting into heated arguments over the mic. It was an easy way to let off steam without vaporizing some poor mortal. Well, she tried to not vaporize Percy when they played at least.

They even had a playstation in her room in her palace, which many a day she'd wake up to find him sitting up already playing whatever on a Saturday morning as if he'd never gone to sleep. In fact, Percy never bragged to others about her looks or power or status, what he did brag about was getting a 'gamer girlfriend'. Whether that was derogatory or sweet Artemis still had yet to really tell but she was 99% sure it was the latter.

Artemis was reluctant to admit that she was sorta watching him on and off again as she continued to pack his stuff for him. He loaded into a save file on Skyrim and found himself left in a town area. "I am definitely gonna have to replay this game." He noted to himself aloud as he walked around Whiterun trying to remember everything.

Artemis carried on for a while before stopping and looking at him. She decided enough was enough. She wasn't going to pack his belongings for him like she was his mother.

So she went on break too.

The auburn haired goddess walked over and planted herself on the bed behind him, pulling her legs criss-cross style and hugging her boyfriend. Percy grinned and looked back at her. "I knew you'd break eventually. Can't stand doing work for a boy." He told her, having grown to know her so well during their tenure as a couple.

Artemis turned her head and kissed his neck. "You'd best believe it." She whispered, then looking back at the game. She watched him flick through his inventory and quest log for a while before piping up. "So what are you doing?" She asked, always a topic starter whenever he was playing.

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