draft 1

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As i was sipping the exquisite champange the trubluence shook the plane plummeting us downward to an island just off the coast of the bermuda triangle. Having bearly escaped with a few scrapes and cuts we didnt know that was just the beginning of the misfourtune heading our way.

Richt was the given name by my beloved family who banished me from the estates because of my flambouant lifestyles saying that i was just bringing shame on the prestigious family name. Vanhellsing, yes my family was that the decendants of the greatest hunters of unnatural creatures of the days and the nights.

I know what you're thinking i should be out hunting unnatural creatures risking my life for the greater good, but the only thought that kept on flashing in my mind was'who was gonna spend all the money those old geezers had locked away'. Bear in mind that vampires or non of the beasts of dark has been seen over 50 plus years.

As we were wandering the island hopelessly in search of some refuge we stumbled upon a cave with inscription engraved into the ground at the entrance followed by torches mysteriously engulfed in flames shining as the sun has just risen. With nowhere else to go we proceeded forward, whilst trying to decipher the writings on the dead end wall a sudden noise echoed throughout the cave sending sounds of rifle cranking and being loaded.
A faint phrase bearly brushed by my ears *smells like humans* as i would really much like to redeem myself and be placed back on my pedistal to live my best life. We were not prepared to hold off an small squadron of the undead due to their extreme super human strength and hightened senses we were badly out numbered and brutally underskilled. As the voices grew closer the more panic ran through our spines, we'd die but atleast out of all the our predecesors and age group we would go down dieing fulfilling our purpose.

As i hid behind a shallow cover two of them were moving towards us, i was on the right and jenna took the left being from the Vanhellsing family we were always equipped with some sort of weapons to defend ourselves incase of worst case scenario. As they were getting closer i quickly grabbed the rifle aiming it upwards as he was firing shots, i quickly drew my kitana from my waste infused with a certain rare metal that vampires were weak to. I slashed his right hands as i saw it floating in the air leaving the hand it was connected too jenna quickly disassembled the other grunt guns and speedly decapitated him sending his head flying and landing on the outer path of the cave. I aslo finished the ugly fucker with a quick stab to the heart, as we were regaining our breath the bodies began to evaporate into the air like smoke.
This was the first time in half a century since's vampire was killed but our celebration was short lived by a few more foot steps approaching. Suddely a sulphur smell flew through the cave and shots stared firing, quickly taking cover from the shots pattern i deducted it was only two of them whispering to jenna we could take them.

Checking to see if they had finished their targets they slowly advanced towards us nearing closer and closer, i slashed through his gun using and underarmed sword style. Stabing my sword through his shoulder spining him around to use as cover from the shots as i pushed forward to the other one. Pulling out two garlic acid shuriken from my belt i easily gained an angled view stuck him in the head. As the gas from the shuriken started to engulf his face as it strarted to deterioate his face jenna quickly ran forward slashing his head of with a mid night stance and i also finished the other one with a dagger through the neck . We regrouped to the end of the cave gathering all of ourselves together making our way out of the cave before any uninvited guests were to make any more appearances that would be diasterious to us.

As we were seeing the light at the end of the tunnel the ground the entire cave started to shake as if a mammoth was charging into us at 25 miles per hour. Blocking the light from the entrance was a monstrous no more notirious looking feind a whole other levels compared to the grunts. He was ripped but still able to maneuver his body powerful but calm not arrogant but he was a vile and creul as all the scary stories our grandma Matilda used to make us afraid from the greul truth so we would go to sleep terrified of dying making sure we wanted to always fight for surival.

Without me even getting to react the swiftness as an eagle snatching its prey with those sharp and sturdy grip he grapple my head as if he was going to smash my head into a pulp. It was the look in his eyes as he flung me across the cave's narrow path like a baseball. All i heard was a voice telling me to wake up it is time for you to rise again a refreshing breeze flew across my body making me feel like i was in the tropics in my hammock on the sandy beach with two girls by my side drinking some bub(champange). Coming to my conscience i saw a little girl engulfed in white and a boy in dark black as if you were looking ino the dark night.

Ps: i just tryna create something beacuse im goin through a really rough time with my mental but by Allah's grace everything will be alright . I just want you guys to enjoy this thrilling exerpience, if youre looking forward to chapters im a slow writer but ill get it done. ;) leave a comment on what you think any mistakes something that need more context you the usual and please share;) ill tell a joke next time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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