20. Cold Case

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I find Harry in the station's cafeteria by the coffee machine

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I find Harry in the station's cafeteria by the coffee machine. He's yet to see me and I take this opportunity to study him. His build is that of a football player's and I silently speculate whether he played it in high school. He carries himself with such poise and confidence, making him both feared and respected. That's the kind of lawyer I want to be.

"Take a picture, Gallagher. It'll last longer!"

I smirk. "You can buy me a coffee after that comment."

He grabs another takeout cup and gestures for me to press the button of my choice. I end up getting a latte.

"So, did Fraser and Blunt get their asses handed to them?" I ask.

"Sure did. Alongside seven others."


I fucking hate that number!

"This place is officially free from all corruption!" he sings, adding a sweetener to his cappuccino.

"It's all thanks to you," I say.

"Nah, Malcolm was the brains behind the operation. I'm the muscle."

I sip the foam from my latte. "The dream team, huh?"

"Somethin' like that."

We head towards a table near the back, overlooking the parking lot. It's a little cloudy now, though certainly no less cool. I'm thankful for the A.C in this place. Without it, I'd be sweating buckets.

"So, what now?" I ask. "Are you and Malcolm heading back home?"

He hesitates, using his coffee cup to warm up his hands. "Actually, we've put in a transfer."

"Where for?"

"Here," he delights.

I almost choke on thin air. "Why on earth would you want to stay here?"

"We like it. Figured it would be a nice place to get married and settle down."

"But what about your jobs? Oak valley doesn't have an FBI department," I tease.

He momentarily looks around the cafeteria and smiles. "We were cops before we worked for the FBI and truth be told, we've been talking about giving it up for a while now."

"How come?"

"We want to start a family soon. Having a screaming baby might blow our cover on future missions."

The thought of it brings a smile to my face.

"The mayor has asked me to be the town's sheriff. I've accepted."

"And Malcolm?"

"Training the newbies up."

Oh my God!

I leap from my chair and throw my arms around him. "Congratulations! This is huge!"

I can tell he's not used to people hugging him, but I don't care. His muscles tense as I squeeze him harder than I've squeezed anyone ever and his hands awkwardly pat my lower back. A pleasant feeling washes over me as I adjust to the hug, making me smile.

"Can't. Breathe!"

"Oh—shut up!" I scorn, playfully shoving his shoulder.

I sit back down and blow on my drink, not yet trusting it to not burn my mouth.

"Can I ask you something?"

He nods.

"Have you ever let a case go cold because it was the right thing to do?" I question, using the word 'right,' sparingly.

"Is this about Sarah's killer?"

"I can't stop thinking about it," I admit. "Obviously Elliot's freedom means more to me than anything, but it feels wrong."

He simply nods, deliberately keeping quiet.

"Does that make me an idiot?" I ask.

"It makes you human," he assures. "And that way of thinking is what's going to make you a fantastic lawyer one day."

I blush. "What do I do?"

"Only you can decide that," he replies. "But here's my advice..."

I straighten my posture, ready for his opinion.

"You're a recent high school graduate and you're just about to get your boyfriend back. Go be a teenager for a while."

"I am a teenager!" I argue.

"What teenager do you know investigates murders in their spare time?"


"I'm not sure I know how to be a normal teenager again," I retort. "Too much stuff has happened."

"Even more reason to relax. Leave the boring stuff to me."

"Wait—you mean—"

"You didn't seriously think I could let it go, did you?"

I grin.

"I'll keep digging and see what I can find. No promises, though."

I don't need any. The fact he's even willing to look is enough for me.

"Thank you," I reply, finally braving a sip.

I burn my tongue.

"Mother fucker!"

Harry laughs, amused by my stupidity. My impatience.

"Stay out of trouble, Gallagher!" he instructs, preparing to leave.

"No promises!" I reply.

Once he's gone, I take my drink and head towards the exit, on the lookout for Mom and Celia. I quickly fire a text to Jack, informing him of Elliot's inevitable release. I immediately receive a reply which comprises mainly of smiley faces and a promise to call later. It makes me laugh, and I silently rejoice at the thought of Elliot having such a kind friend.

I pass the empty reception desk and think some more about what Harry said. About being a teenager. What does that even mean? Elliot and I could take a vacation like I suggested, but with everything that's gone on, he might want to lie low for a while. And as for me, my hobbies include; watching murder documentaries and making out with Elliot. Both of which I did daily before he was arrested. Being normal teenagers is hard when your life is anything but normal. Hell—my first date with Elliot was digging up an old grave, for goodness sake! There's nothing normal about us, and I have a feeling our days of investigating murders are not over with just yet.

After all, we're just about to get the dream team back together.


Who's ready to have Helliot together again?

Because I AM!!!!

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