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Violetta's Pov

VIlu: I'm going to go get something to drink. Do you guys want anything?

They all shake their heads. As I am walking i trip over something. I wait for the impact, but it never comes. I open my eyes and it turns out Leon caught me before I could hit the ground. I am just looking into his eyes and he is looking into mine. I realize that a lot of people are looking at us. i start to stand up with Leon's help.

I then thought what should I call him. I mean he is now a king. Should I say King Leon, or your majesty, i don't know. I probably shouldn't call him by just his first name because that might seem disrespectful.

Vilu: H-hello your majesty

Crap why did I stutter?!

Leon gives me a smile

Leon: Please just call me Leon.

I smile back at him

Vilu: I'm violetta

Leon: Your king Herman's daughter right?

Vilu: Yep that's me. Thank you for catching me. I can be pretty clumsy

Leon: It's no problem.

I nervously bite my lip and I see leon's eyes snap to my lips and there is an emotion in his eyes that I couldn't figure out. 

Leon: Don't do that

I become confused and even more nervous

Vilu: D-do what?

Leon: Bite your lip don't do that

Vilu: Okay

Leon: hey do you want to get out of here? I have a place that I want to show you.

Vilu: Are you aloud to leave? I mean this is your coronation

Leon: Well I am the king now. So if I want to leave I'm going to leave

I smile

Vilu: okay

I become excited

He takes my hand and I feel sparks erupt throughout my arm. He leads me outside and we continue walking into the forest.

Vilu: your're not going to kill me are you?

Leon chuckles

Leon: No I would never

I smile. 

After a little more walking he covers my eyes.

Leon: Okay 

Then he takes off his hands. I see the most beautiful pond I have ever seen.

 I see the most beautiful pond I have ever seen

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Vilu: Oh my gosh. It's beautiful!

Leon: I come here a lot when I have to think or if I just want to realax. It's a really special place to me.

Vilu: Why did you show it to me of all people? You've never even met me?

Leon: I want to get to know every thing about you. I really like you Violetta.

I blush like crazy

Leon: You're so cute when you blush

That makes me blush even more. I walk closer to the water and put my hand in it. I feel so at peace right now. 

Vilu: This is so amazing. We don't have anything like this at home. It's so beautful.

Leon: It is

I turn to look at him and he is already looking at me. I blush and turn away

Leon: I want to get to know you. 

Vilu: How about you ask me a question and I'll ask you one and we can just go back in forth.

Leon: Let's start simple. What's your favorite color?

Vilu: Purple. What is your favorite food?

Leon: Steak. What about you?

Vilu: French Fries

Leon looks at me wierdly

Vilu: What? I can't help it. They're amazing

Leon: Okay

He smiles at me

Vilu: Who is your favorite sibling?

I wiggle my eyesbrows at him. He laughs

Leon: That's a hard one. I'm going to have to go with who my favorite sibling today is and that's fran. What is your favorite tiara

Vilu: the one I'm wearing

He looks at my tiara and smiles

Leon: Is it because it's purple

Vilu: hey one question at a time. What was your favorite thing to do as a kid?

Leon: Prank the castle staff

I laugh.

Leon: What is your favorite childhood movie.

Vilu: Tangled

He smiles

Vilu: As much fun as I'm having we should probably head back

Leon: Probably

We both stand up. And start walking back. Once we get there I look up I realize how close we are. He starts to lean in and I do to. And just when we were about to kiss...

Fede: Vilu!

We both jump and look at Fede

Vilu: Uh hey

I nervously say. I was kinda mad at him for ruining my first kiss.

Fede: I was looking for you. Dad said it's time to leave.

I don't know why but I really didn't want to leave.

Vilu: right now?

I say sadly.

Fede: Yeah lets go

Vilu: fine but can I go say goodbye to my friends.

Fede: yeah go ahead.

I give Leon a small smile and walk back inside.


Hey! Sorry it took so long to update. I hope you liked the chapter. i also know that Leon and violetta are moving kind of fast but since they are royal I decided to make it that way.

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