Chapter 3 -TDKAU

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Chapter 3: 

The minute I arrived I felt so out of place. Firstly, everyone was already sitting around chatting amongst their friends, not bothered to check out the surroundings or for any new faces (ough*me*chough). Secondly, everything looked the same! The hallways, classrooms, even the chairs IN the classroom! This school was so perfect in architecture and design that I thought I would puke in the place of a perfectionist. Due to such perfection, I got lost. Yep, I literally stood in one spot, mesmerized yet infuriated at how I was going to navigate in this. Surprisingly, no one stopped and asked if I was lost or if I needed to get anywhere. They didn't ask if I was new. I trudged my way around each corner of the block, in hope to find an office of some sort. Thankfully, I found it and received my timetable.

I looked at my watch to discover that I only had 5 for minutes until the bell. I tried to ask the hurrying students for directions to my form classroom, but they seemed to be too absorbed in making their own way to their classroom to notice me. I sighed in defeat and began venturing, until I knocked into something. Or someone rather.

My timetable flew out of my hand and before I could grab it another hand beat me to it. I looked up to a rather attractive face staring at me in amusement. "Here's your timetable. And watch where you're going next time." He said playfully.

I mumbled a thank you, while looking down at my shoes in embarrassment. "Hey, it's okay!I forgi-" He was interrupted by the bell. Okay, I'm screwed. "Don't worry. That makes both of us." he sighed. Argh, I just thought out loud.

" Haha, yeah you did. Hey, I've never seen you around before. You new this year?" He asked.  

"Y-yeah. I'm the new student. I'm a bit l-lost..." I stuttered before cracking a tiny smile. Damn I was usually confident with meeting new people, but when it came to guys, I couldn't help but feel a bit nervous. However this guy seemed to be much more confident than I was. "Well," he linked arms with me. "Your fellow student,who has been here all his high school years, is at your service. Where's your form class?"  

I replied, "TH6."

"TH6? That's where I'm going as well! Come on, lets go!" He answered gleefully. Geez, was he always this excited? I nodded and we started walking in the completely opposite direction that I had started to walk in. "I am Daniel by the way." He said with a wide grin on his face.

"And I'm Casey." I answered feeling giddy all of the sudden. As we walked past classrooms, I took this time to 'check out' Daniel. There was no doubt that he was hot. His brown fringe that was scattered along his forehead, his big brown puppy eyes that could make anyone say 'awww', his nose and mouth in perfect proportion. And then his body.. I quickly scanned it. His tanned skin that looked 10 shades darker in comparison to the white uniform. For some reason he gave off this athletic aura. Perhaps he was a swimmer? Or a footballer?

Either way, I had a thing for athletic guys! My fangirling mode suddenly clicked inside me, but I made sure to resist the temptation to squeal. I could even imagine a hard 6 pack under his shirt. Oh my hormones.. I mentally slapped myself. 'You know what mum said about falling for their good looks.' I thought.

I quickly looked away and focused on what was ahead of me. In front of me was a door with TH6 on it. Daniel opened the door and gestured for me to enter first. I felt myself blush as I entered the classroom. What is this?! I never blushed!!

Suddenly all eyes were on me- I swear I saw some boys checking me out. Awkward.. Even the teacher scanned his eyes over my body but then he quickly adjusted his eyes to look at me. "Ah, you must be Casey the new student. I'm Mr Jameson. I will be your homeroom teacher for this year. Please take a seat." He smiled sweetly. I looked around the classroom for an empty seat, finding one next to Daniel. He flashed me a smile before pointing to the seat next to him. I smiled back and sat down, completely oblivious to all the glares that were given to me.


Finally after 3 periods, the long awaited time of the day arrived. It was morning tea! I silently gave thanks that I took after my mum's genes of being sociable. In my chemistry class I met 2 new people. Their names were Alicia and Kate. Both of them seemed out-going and the 90-minutes was all it took for me to get to know them. Alicia was so beautiful that she could've been mistaken for a model. She had long blonde hair that just reached the middle of her back, blue eyes that shimmered whenever she laughed, and most importantly, she had a caring personality. She could definitely be one of the most popular girls in the school. However one thing that stood out the most was that she was never interested in having a boyfriend, which was weird since she could get any boy she wanted.

Kate, on the other hand, wasn't as model-beautiful as Alicia, however, she was also charming in her own way. Her short brown hair that never looked out of place, her green eyes that were always wide open in excitement, and her little dimples whenever she smiled. She was probably the loudest of us 3, but she always made sure to think before she spoke. When we walked into the cafe, everything seemed to be brought back to life.

There was the clattering of the plates and the friendly chatter of all the students. The cafe was probably the liveliest area of the school. I grinned at my two friends before sitting down in the center of the cafe.

"As you can see, the sporty and popular ones sit over on the right side of the room, the cool-but-not-sporty-or-popular people sit in the middle and the rest sit on the left." Kate explained enthusiastically. I nodded my head in understanding.

As I took out my lunch box, I felt someone tap my shoulder. I sighed and turned around, "Yes Kate?" I asked. However, instead of seeing Kate's emerald eyes I saw the recognisable brown orbs of Daniel. "Oh sorry! I thought you were Kate. Hey Daniel!" I exclaimed, awkwardly. Out of my peripheral vision I noticed both pointing to me and talked amongst themselves. "Hey Casey! How were your first 3 periods? Did you get through them alright?" He asked. 

"Awww, so nice for asking me! Yeah it was great! Met these two awesome girls during one class!" I responded.

He nodded, "Cool stuff! Well, I have Maths with you later, so I'll see you then!" He waved and I waved back, only realizing that some of the popular girls were glaring at me. I couldn't help but think it had something to do with Daniel... I concentrated back on my food hearing parts of Alicia's and Kate's conversation like "he so likes her", "he's so hot!", "all the sluts gon' be jealous!" I rolled my eyes and focused on my sandwhich. 

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