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Jennie's POV:


I groaned, blowing my nose, all stuffed up as I answered the video call from Jungkook.

"Hii noona wow…you don't look so good."

My eyes narrowed, "Yeah, thanks for that Kookie."

I barely catch a cold, once in a year actually—technically those are more common than you would think, but this time I don't know what happened to me.

It would start out as a sore throat (check), next would come the sneezing (check), the headache (not check) and after that soon after, chills and vomiting (not check).

What a lovely time I have to look forward to.

"You know what I mean noona" Jungkook defended.

"I know, I know…" I mumbled, "I'm just not feeling the greatest."

"Your yearly cold time huh?" he asked. I nod-sneezed, holding my head.

Headache. Check.

I saw Jungkook trying to stifle a laugh.

"Oh go ahead already and laugh. I know you want to," I glared at him as I felt my hand move, Kuma nuzzling under my palm. I pet her comfortingly as she whined.

She always hated when I got sick like this. She knew how much pain I was in and wished she could make it all better.

she looked at me softly, nuzzling my thigh.

"It's okay Kuma," I said softly, turning my attention back to Jungkook. "Where you all at and doing this time on the vacation?" They are getting a vacation after their world tour.

"Well I'm heading home before the preparation for the comeback starts, all hyungs are also going home and I don't know what Tae hyung is planning on doing."

Ah Tae…I hadn't seen him in a few months. We'd kept in contact for awhile, but I became busy with the comeback and he also had concerts and world tour. I didn't fault him for it, just the opposite, I worried that he was upset with me for how things had ended between us.

Yawns, "Well gimme a ring when you get home safe."

"You should come and hang with us more often  noona, we really miss you."

I smiled weakly at Kookie, coughing slightly, "I dunno. Maybe."

"Get some sleep noona," Kookie smiled, and waved "it'll help, bye noona take care."

I nodded, hanging up and curling in a ball. I pulled a blanket over my frame as I drifted, falling asleep.




I laughed as Kuma&Kai jumped on Tae, knocking him off. They're now on the floor licking Tae and Jumping and running around him.


Tae swiped at Kuma, who is trying to get his hat off his head.

Kuma then took his cap on her mouth and starts running and them she left it near me. I snatched the hat off the ground, turning it backwards on my own head.

Tae stilled his hands at my image, smiling.

"Suits you," he grinned, brushing a lock of my hair out from under his hat. He then pulled me close by my belt loops, his lips close to my ear.

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