A Year Without Rain

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A Year without Rain

Copyright © 2013 Sapphire Rose

All Rights Reserved


A year without rain; sounds great, doesn’t it? Especially if you’re from rainy England, like me. The whole world; no rain for a year sounds amazing. Trust me, it’s not.

Once you’ve lived through it, you’ll wish it would rain forever.

I used to believe in God. That was before this happened; before the people I loved were taken from my grasp...before my life was drastically changed. But was the change for better or for worse? That’s the question.

Don’t get me wrong, I still believe there is a God. I just don’t believe in God. He’s more like the devil. How could he let something he had created and cared for be destroyed?

He ripped out my heart and threw it on the floor; allowing it to shatter into a thousand tiny pieces in the process. Then he stuck the remains together and shoved it back inside me. But he chose to hold on to one piece; leaving a massive gaping hole in my heart, never to be restored.

I watched people suffer eventually dying of dehydration. That was torture  that no one should ever have to live through.

I am lucky... I guess. At least I didn't have to die such a horrible death like the others. and I suppose you could say that I am the chosen one; ‘God chose me to live.’ That’s not true.

You could also say it was a test; ‘The survival of the fittest.’ That’s not true either.

My world was turned upside down within a year; one horrible year. This will be the biggest event in history and I can say that I survived it. I’m not proud of it being left alive when all the people I care for have gone, but I am and I have to live with it. I could be up there in heaven with my loved ones right now. Just thinking about it...

No, I shouldn’t think about that. I survived; I have to stay alive for everybody that lost.They died so I could live, and the least I can do is keep that life and use it for the good of others.

Nobody complains about the rain anymore. People cherish and love it. You see people singing and dancing in the streets when it rains.

I was eighteen when it happened. I’m ninety two now. I had a boring life before this happened. I guess I was just a normal teenager: I loved to sleep all day and party all night. I took my dad for granted, argued with my sisters non-stop, and broke my boyfriend’s heart time after time. I regret this now. I wish I could turn the clock back, but I can’t.

I mean, I loved my family more than word could say. That’s why I never said it. I only have my dad and my sisters. My grandparents died before I was born, neither of my parents had siblings and my mum died from the strains of childbirth with my youngest sister, Lindsey... I should have told them, at least once.

But what’s life without regret? What’s a human without flaws?

On the path of survival I met many people; nice people that taught me to love again. I thought I’d never love again, but they taught me how to. I also lost many of the people I met, but they will always stay in my heart. They will remain in the giant hole that was shaped for the ones I loved, and now have lost.

A year without rain equals chaos.

I thought I should share my story with you. But be warned, if you feel anything near as much as I did, and still do, for the people in my story, then I cannot be held responsible for your emotions.

My name is Ally Maye. This is my life, my story.

This, is how I survived a year.... a year without rain.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 20, 2014 ⏰

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