i. the start of schezo's day

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How is he supposed to explain his side job?

Being a mage doesn't make enough money for rent, because for some fucking reason the gods decided to make him pay rent for a CAVE, so what does Schezo do? Simple. Work at a neko maid cafe.

He begins his day as normal, getting into the maid dress and putting on the cat ears. It was never fun, but he could tolerate it more now than he did on his first day. Unfortunately, He has to walk through town to get to his job. It was surely embarrassing for him, especially the rude nicknames like "Kitty Boy". His glorious reputation as a respected, all-powerful mage had only declined since he started his strange job.

He could practically feel the stares from passersby, whispering the nickname and giggling to each other. It was practically torture for the once respected mage... and it was soon to become even worse.

He enters the cafe, and is greeted by his coworkers. They all look miserable as always. (Then again, anyone would be when they're being paid minimum wage to be wearing cat ears and a maid dress.) Schezo sat down at one of the tables and rubbed his head. The constant chatter had given him a painful migraine.

He was sort of glad they hadn't opened yet. The chatter would get worse with customers coming by, and he didn't know how much longer he'd be able to greet patrons with, "Welcome home, Master!" or, "Welcome home, Princess!". It really destroyed his dignity.

Soon, he was greeted by his cheerful co-worker, Lemres. How could he enjoy such a terrible job like this? How was he still praised and respected by everyone, including Schezo himself?!

"He~llo, Schezo. How is my favorite catboy today?" Schezo lets out a groan full of annoyance before turning towards Lemres.

"..Wouldn't YOU like to know, GAY BOY!"

"..People are starin', Schezo."

"I'm going to bash your skull in."

"I'm sure the feeling is mutual with some others. Here, have a lollipop.. I'm sure that'll calm you down. After all, you're not quite you when you're hungry."

Did Lemres just.. quote Snickers commercials at him? Schezo isn't sure how mad he's supposed to be about this, but that was more than just mildly infuriating. His homophobia grows even stronger. Lemres slips a cherry lollipop into Schezo's hand.

"Anyways... It's almost time for the cafe to open. Have a sweet day, Dark mage~"

Schezo wanted to thump Lemres over the head with his sword, but unfortunately.. he left it at home. Not that he could've brought it; he would've been fired on the spot, because it's a "hazard to the patrons". Oh well. He slowly stood up and began to walk away, only for the little bell to ring; the cafe was opening.

Grreeeeaaaaat. Schezo put on a fake smile and "cutesy" look. (He was definitely going to kill Lemres if the guy ever brought it up to anyone.) The patrons would be coming in soon, and he wasn't too pleased about that. Soon enough, Patrons were already being escorted by the servants. The place filled up quickly, And before he knew it, it was his time to shine.

The first person he would be serving for today was.. tall. Why is that what stands out to Schezo? Simple, that's one of the most normal things about this guy. A blond with light brown eyes (eyes? maybe. the guy only has one visible eye) and a mask hiding the left side of his face. Dressed like a stereotypical magician, save for the top hat. Why anyone would come in dressed like that, the mage couldn't be sure.

Schezo was silent for several moments as the guy tilted his head. Upon realizing he was staring, Schezo snapped out of his curious trance with a (very begrudging, but he was able to play it off like he was happy), "Welcome home, Master!"

He wants to die so bad right now ugh :lipbite: he's on the verge of tears. He makes a heart with his hands before dragging the other male away to do whatever maid bullfuckery idfk (ILL EDIT THIS LATER) (GAY GAY HOMOSEXUAL GAy) Now, He wasn't gay, BUT this guy is actually sort of cute.. Schezo placed a golden ticket into the man's hand. These "License of your Majesty" cards were passed out to all patrons before they were seated. Soon, The mage was ready to take his order.

The blond was, unsurprisingly, very quiet yet polite when he ordered. He was such a nice guy compared to some of the patrons that Schezo had dealt with before...

"Hm.. well, I'm certainly open to suggestions, but I do know that I would like a vanilla milkshake..! I hear it's quite lovely.."

Keeping up that act that he always did at this job, Schezo responded with an, "As you wish, Master!" But, spoiler alert, he most certainly cannot keep this act up. Schezo isn't gay, but this guy is cute, and seems much nicer than most of the other patrons he's had to deal with. Which.. is probably why he was forced to put up with them as opposed to the others.

Making a little heart with his hands, Schezo scurried off to go make the milkshake for this mysterious blond, all while the heart in his chest was thumping more quickly than usual. Oh, man. His heart rate increased because of a boy. But he's.. he's not gay! Right..? Two men can't have feelings for eachother! He's never felt this way with any other patron, so what makes him any different? It's a shame that he can't get his number...

But all the same, ignoring these weird feelings and the increased heart rate, Schezo went to prepare the ingredients for the shake. He'd bring out some whipped cream, caramel and a cherry to put on after he finished the actual shake. After all, he needed to entertain. That's.. the entire purpose of this stupid cafe.

Ice cream? Check. Milk? Check. Glass? Also check. Blender? Alright, he can do this. He just has to not slip up while making the shake, right? He's done this before, how hard can it be?

He pours some milk into the blender, then adds several scoops of ice cream. (That shake has to be thicker than Hajime Makunouchi's thighs. -Sal) And thus begins the process of blending the milk and ice cream together to make the shake. Schezo wanted to just drink it then and there out of spite, but perhaps he shouldn't. That'd be a waste of time and probably money.. and likely get him fired.

But he got the shake all blended, so now it was time. He poured it into the glass and made sure to grab a tray to hold everything. Whipped cream, caramel sauce, and a cherry, as well as the glass. The tray didn't need to be too big, but he did make sure to put the cherry in a small bowl. A cherry right on the tray would be gross.

He began to walk back out, putting on the "cutesy" grin and the attitude he had previously. But then tragedy struck. As soon as he reaches his patron's table, it seems like God himself decides to trip Schezo in his happy-go-lucky strut.

One of his legs must've slipped or something, but he fell backwards, landing on his ass and spilling the shake on himself. Oh. Oh God.

The mysterious blond patron gasped in surprise, but immediately seemed to try to muffle a few giggles. 

Great. Schezo embarrassed himself in front of the brooding mystery man.

Love and Enchantment // Schezo Wegey x Mikado SannojiWhere stories live. Discover now