The Bite

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Before you could realize what was going on it was to late. The Nogitsune, who possessed Stiles body had knocked you out cold. When you woke up, you were on the floor, looking straight up at Scott who was tied down to a chair. He had woken up right after you called out to him weakly. "Scott," you gasped, getting up quickly to help him until a hand grabbed your wrist. "Not so fast," the Nogitsune stated, as he squeezed your wrist and bent your arm backwards. Screaming in pain, you just fell down to your knees as Scott only struggled to break free. Smiling, the evil fox just looked at you with a sadistic smile, "Why don't we play for a while," he said before he let go of your arm. Grabbing a handful of your hair, you only reached up to grab his hand, trying to pull away. "Please! Stop!" you shrieaked in pain, as he just lifted you up on your feet. "Now why would I do that?" he asked, before he threw you against the wall. Scott's eyes turned red as he watched the Nogitsune torture you and this made him laugh. "Scott, please..I haven't done anything to burtually injure her..yet," he sassed, before he walked over to you.

Against the wall, you only shaked in fear as he reached out to grab you. Dodging his hand, you only ran away but he caught you. His hand just wrapped around your throat and just squeezed really hard. Gasping, you just scratched at his hands, Scott's heart started to race as he watched how much you were in pain. "I wouldn't do that if I were you," the Nogitsune informed Scott, who only looked confused until a wave of electricity had spread throughout his body. "You didn't think I was dumb enough to take precautiouns, did you?" he laughed, as he just kept his grip around your neck. Like a fish out of water, you were gasping for air and he only lifted you up in the air. Struggling, you were almost close to death until Ethan and Aiden showed up. The Nogitsune had dropped you and dealt with the the other two wolves. Isaac showed up to only rush to your side, he slid his hands underneath you and carried you away as Derek helped Scott. 

Panting heavily, you just closed your eyes as Isaac held you close. When you guys where far away, Scott had rushed over to you. Isaac had set you down gently before you wobbled over to Scott. Crying, you just fell into his arms, weak and in pain. "It hurts," you croaked and Scott only felt angry as he just asked "Where did that fox go?" Derek told him that Ethan and Aiden chased after the fox but he escaped. "Scott, her hearts faint and she might die if we don't rush her to the hospital," Derek said, he could hear how faint your heart was.

"It might be to late," Isaac interjected, which worried Scott. He couldn't lose you, so Scott had to make a choice. "Y/N, let me give you the bite," Scott suggested, you only looked at him in surprise. "Scott, why?" you asked and he only pushed a strand of hair away from your face as he told you "I don't want to lose you and if it means turning you..I'll do it," he said. Pressing his forehead against your own, you both stared at each other for a second before you agreed. "I'll help you through the change," Scott vowed and within that moment, Scott's fangs pierced your skin. Crying in pain, you only bit down on your lower lip as you felt a sudden surge of pain. Scott just held you in his arms as Ethan and Aiden returned to bring a car around. They brought you back to Derek's place, in which you suddenly felt a change.

The pain was going away, you felt stronger than before. It was as if you could punch through a wall and survive. Breathing heavily, you just growled, looking up at Scott, he noticed the change in your eyes. They were glowing bright yellow, the eyes of a beta, Scotts beta. "I'm going to kick that foxes ass," you shouted, as you only roared. It echoed throughout the loft and it was clear the Nogitsune heard it, even if he was far away. "Well, looks like another pup joined the game," The Nogitsune laughed as he disappeared into the dark.

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