Powers without Sacred WeaponIce - She can take water molecules from the air and nearby water sources in order to turn it into ice thats forms the shape of whatever she desires.In order to get this to work she must put her hands out them clap them together while saying Ice then whatever she is making. She can also make clouds with the water molecules
Mimic - If she touches someone for 5 seconds she can mimic there powers, she can maintain theses powers for up to a week but can erase them any time before that.I or order to get this to work she just has to touch a person with over 500 magic and say mimic
Blood Art - She can bend blood much like Scarlet in Mortal Kombat and Katara in Avatar:The last Airbender.She dosent have to say anything.
Powers with Sacred Weapon
She has all the previous ones but theu are more powerful when used with sacred weapon
Illusion - She can make a illision that tricks even the hardest minded people. She sends out a lighting bolt much like gowther saying what type of illuaion. there is nightmare, memories, dream, and continue, which has their mind make up what they believe the situation was going to contunue. And also make herself into someelse in ehich she says transform then the namw of the person.
Hellblaze - fire, the flames are the same dark blue as her eyes.to activate she mist say hell blaze then the type afterwards. Types- Ropes, cage,storem,dragon,sword, armor,wings, and warriors. If she just says hell blaze the flames appear in her hands and she can bend them to her will.
About her
Race : Demon - rank is one above 10 commandments, rare rank. They are a race of Demon that have alot of trouble keeping their sanity. Its name is the deranged demon. They were all slatered do to being seen as un natural and an abomination. They were also very feared even by the demon king himself for either being phycho or completly emotionless, there were few like Eloisa who could balance and have normal emotions. She survived the slatering and was locked up and tortured by demons who needed a release.
Age: unknown
Gender : Female
Sin: Insanity
Height : 6 foot 3 inches
Hair color : black
Eye color : dark blue
Power Level Without Demon Power: 33,000
With demon Power: Normal - 66,000 Highest- 120,000
She is very well trained in hand to hand conbat even known as the best. She is also very well trained in almost all types of weapons.
I will explain later on why she is so innocent and dense like gowther
Insanity - ♡Ban x Oc♡
FanfictionBan x Sin OC - Eloisiana or Eloisa,The Raven Sin of Insanity,is a very preculiar being,she grew up in the demon realm, or more so the demon dungeon, she was locked up because she was seen as an abomination. Someone saved her but her life of freedom...