Prologue: The Journey

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Hackney, London, England
Early June 1940

I sighed, as I finally finished packing my suitcases, and dragged them over to the front door. I'm doing it! I'm finally going to America!

I have one more term to complete before I graduate from Oxford University. During this long summer leave, I decided to go to the States, to visit a special family member located in New Mexico.

"Why go to New Mexico?" My flat mate, Gwendolyn asked, as she helped me pack. "I would want to go to Hollywood, New York, even Chicago!"

"I have family there." I explained with a smile, remembering my childhood.

It was a cloudy day and the sky threatening rain, as I sat on the porch, waiting for the post to arrive. Mr. Makelroy arrived promptly at 10:00 am to deliver the post daily...and today was no different.

I remember Mr. Makelroy's handlebar mustache and his large grimacing smile underneath. "Good mornin', Miss Aubrey! I have a letter for your mummy from the States!" He held out a generously stamped letter with his ham like fist. He held it just over my head, out of reach, as I jumped for a circus poodle, jumping for a treat.

"Give it to me!" I declared. "It's from my Aunite Jessica!"

Laughingly, Mr. Makelroy handed it to me, and swatted me on the bottom, as I ran towards my Mother in the garden.

"Mummy! Mummy! The post has arrived! And you'll never guess who it's from!"

"Your Auntie Jessica, I presume?" Mummy had laughed, standing up from tending her roses and taking the letter from me. "Shall I read it to you now?" She smiled at me, as I sat on the ground, eagerly awaiting her to read the letter.

"Oh, yes...please do, Mummy!" I squealed happily, as Mother laughed once again, sitting on the little white bench, and opening the letter.

I thought Auntie Jessica's letters were always filled with excitement and adventure. Her words always seemed to overwhelm and capture me all at the same time. What a wonderful place, this New Mexico must be! A land of Enchantment, indeed! From that moment on, it would be my life's ambition, to see this wondrous place firsthand. It would to be my destiny.

"Immediate family?" Gwen inquired, snapping me back to reality.

"Well, related only by marriage. My Auntie is really a Great Aunt, my Grandmother's cousin. Perhaps you heard of her...Jessica Tunstall?"

"The Sweetheart Shooter! But of course I've heard of her!" She exclaimed with wonder. "She rode with Billy the Kid, did she not? I thought she was deceased."

"No, she's still alive!" I laughed at her shocked expression. "Mother took a holiday to see her two years ago. She's seventy-eight now, but according to Mother, she still looks like a young fifty-five."

"Bloody hell...I can't believe she's related to you!" Gwen laughed, shaking her head. "No wonder why you did your thesis on her! Jessica Tunstall is one of the most famous people in the world!"

"Indeed...we correspond often. She's an amazing woman. I haven't seen her since I was ten years old."

"Well, Aubrey, have a splendid time in New Mexico."

"Oh, I shall!" I hugged Gwen. "But I'll be back in time for the start of the next term!"

My heart had swelled with happiness when I had penned a letter to Aunt Jessica, telling her that I was on my way to New Mexico. She sent her reply a few days before I left. 'I can't wait to see you, my dear! My grandson, Cole is living here now, and is about four years older than you. He grew up in Albuquerque, and is one of the finest cowboys here in New Mexico. He'd rather work on my Ranch, than to continue living in the hustle and bustle of a big city. You two will get along splendidly! One of my closest friends is going to pick you up at the train station. Have a safe trip, and I cannot wait to see you again!'
Mr. Clark, the jovial Conductor, who always was able to put a smile on my face with his many antidotes and short history lessons, entered the car, and announced that we would be arriving in Roswell, New Mexico within an hour.
"Looks like your stop's coming up!" He smiled down at me.

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