Chapter 7 Posole and Pals

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Chapter Seven...Posole and Pals...OR, My back hurts!

Chapter Summary: With the killing of Lawrence Murphy, Billy and Jessie head out of town. Do you all know what hell bent for leather means? It means get the hell outta here! Well...loosely translated!

Early August, 1878
Billy and I decided to stay at old Fort Sumner for a few days, to prepare for the long trek to Charlie and Manuela's home, in Juarez, old Mexico.

I knew that we had to keep on moving. I read the paper daily, and after I killed Murphy, there was a lot of attention given to Billy and myself in the papers, but so far, it seemed no one was looking for us and there was no reward posted for us...yet.

The day before we left, I walked into Beaver's place, the only Saloon in Fort Sumner. Billy was at the bar, laughing at something the bartender told him.

The bartender indeed looks familiar to me...he is the tallest man I have ever seen, with dark brown hair, beard and mustache, and brown eyes. Who is he?

I walked up, and ordered a whisky.

"Jessie!" Billy smiled. "You remember Pat Garrett, don't you?"

"Oh, yes...hello there, Mister Garrett!" I smiled at him, feeling stupid that I didn't remember who he was. He poured a hefty shot of whisky for me. "I'm sorry that I didn't recognize you..."

Chuckling, he gave me a smirk. "I recognized you." He teased. "And you can leave out the Mister."

I remembered the time when we were in Juarez. At first I thought Pat Garrett was a bounty hunter, and was after Billy. All he did was inform us about the McSween ambush that was planned. Then, I thought he was paid by Murphy to seek out Billy and myself; to tell us to go to Lincoln and fall in their trap. Listening to the local folk talk for the last few days, I decided that Pat Garrett was a man that could be trusted. Furthermore, Billy seemed to like him fine. That was good enough for me.

I searched my vest for some money to pay for the drink. Where did I put my money? I checked my trousers, my satchel, but couldn't find a penny.

"That's all right, Tunstall." Pat Garrett said, as I frantically continued the search. "This one's on me."

"Thanks! So...what are you doing here...Garrett?" I asked him, using his Christian name, as he did mine.

"I take care of Beaver's place when he's out of town...been thinking of opening my own place here."

"That would be nice." I pulled out some chewing gum out of my satchel and popped it in my mouth. "Want some?" I offered to Billy and Garrett.

Garrett declined, but Billy took a piece. I laughed, knowing full well that Billy wouldn't turn down a piece of gum. He loves sweets of all kinds.

"Well..." Billy told Garrett. "We're leaving tomorrow."

"Where are you both headed?" Garrett asked, cleaning the shot glass that I just used.

I opened my mouth to say Juarez, but Billy quickly interrupted, telling Garrett that we were headed north, to Las Vegas.

"Well, have a safe trip, you two. Hopefully, we'll see each other again." Garrett offered his hand out to Billy, while looking at me.

"Likewise." Billy smiled, shaking Garrett's hand.

"See you soon, Tunstall." He winked at me.

"See you, Garrett!" I threw over my shoulder, as Billy and I walked out of Beaver's Place.

"What was that all about?" I asked Billy.

"Jessie..." Billy stopped walking, and took my hands in his. "It is wise not to tell people where we are headed...even people that we think that we can trust. Understand?"

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