Part 1

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Jihyo and Y/n walked into school holding hands, they met up with their other friends who were standing in the hall.

Momo: "Hey it's the oldest couple alive"

Jihyo: "Just cause we've been together the longest, doesn't mean we're the oldest one out there"

Y/n smiled and kissed Jihyo on the cheek "My girlfriend is right"

Nay: "Me and Jeong haven't even been together that long"

Jihyo: "Sorry I actually had guts to ask my crush out"

Nay: "Ouch"

Y/n and Jihyo have been together the longest, they confessed in middle school, and have been together since, and now they are college. Nayeon and Jeongyeon have been together the 2nd longest, because Nayeon was too scared to tell Jeongyeon, she waited until they were freshman in high school.

Momo and Dahyun were next, then Mina and Chaeyoung, then Sana and Tzuyu. Everyone in the group has been friends since childhood, but also ended up dating someone from the group

Y/n: "I have to leave early, but Ji, I'll meet you at the shelter after my appointment. We have dogs to take on walks"

Jihyo: "Yes, I love you babe"

Y/n: "Bye, also watch out. Jennie and Irene's group are back, so they are roaming the halls"

Mina: "We'll be okay"

Y/n: "Bye guys"

Y/n walked away to go to her class, and the others went to their own classes since a few had some together, and the others had to walk further away.

Halfway through the day, Y/n got in her car, and started on her way to her doctors appointment, but ended up in a huge car crash.

She was later taken to the hospital, and was put in surgery. The others didn't know just yet, and Jihyo was left alone at the shelter

Jihyo: "I'm sorry, she's not here. Can we take them another day?"

Employee: "Yeah, it's fine. They played a lot outside"

Jihyo nodded, then started to call Y/n. It's not like her to just flake on something. She drove back to her dorm, and was surprised to see Somi there "Hey Somi, I thought you were at work"

Somi: "I was, but I finished. While I was at the hospital I saw Y/n, she didn't look so good. She's in surgery right now, she apparently got into a bad car crash"

Jihyo dropped her bag "What no..No no no! Call the others. I'm going!" She took off running, and back into her car. Somi put her bag in her room since they shared the dorm together.

Jihyo made it to the hospital, and told them who she was here for and that Y/n was her girlfriend. They told her to wait, and that they should almost be out.

After about 30 minutes, the others showed up, then another 30 minutes later. The doctor came out looking for who is with Y/n"

Doc: "She's very lucky, but she had a major concussion. When she wake up and doesn't remember anything, don't be surprised. If she does remember, then again don't be surprised. Simple. But she has a broken arm, and a glass piece from the window was lodged into her chest, it missed her heart, but we got that cleared"

Jihyo: "She's okay?"

Doc: "Yes, she's going to make a full recovery. You can go see her now"

They walked into the room, Jihyo sat on the bed, crying a little "I love you baby" kissing her. Y/n was still asleep

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