Part 2

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She walked back to her dorm room, seeing Tzuyu sitting on their couch. The second Tzuyu saw her, she was about to get up, but didn't want her to.

Y/n: "Wait don't go. Why don't you like me? I haven't done anything to you...Have I? I'm sorry if I did, please I don't remember anything"

Tzu: "You're really mean and you hurt my friend. So why should I like you"

Y/n: "I'm sorry, who's your friend?"

Tzu: "Jihyo"

Y/n: "Jihyo? Wait how did I hurt her, wasn't she the one that said I was her girlfriend...but I'm with Jennie? Wait what did I do? I don't like that I hurt her and I don't know what I did"

Tzu: "No, you dated Jihyo you idiot" She pushed her hard, Y/n fell back and hit the door. She looked up at Tzuyu, then ran to her room. Tzuyu looked at where she was and thought about what she did.

Tzuyu knocked on Y/n's bedroom door "Y/n, hey I'm sorry. I didn't mean to do that"

Y/n: "I'm sorry I don't remember. I'm sorry you don't like me...but still, why did you do it"

Tzu: "Y/n..I'm sorry. I got mad, please. I'm sorry for being a bitch to you"

Y/n: "Leave me alone.....roommate. I'm sorry, I don't remember you're name"

Tzu: "Tzuyu...I'm Chou Tzuyu"

Y/n: "Leave me alone Tzuyu."

Tzuyu sighed as she walked away from Y/n's door. It was gonna be hard for Y/n to easily talk to her. It was all so confusing and her head is starting to hurt from all of it.

She laid down on her bed, decided to take a nap. She woke up a few hours later to arguing outside her room. She peeked open the door a little to see who and why they were arguing.

Jen: "Tzuyu just let me in. She's my girlfriend"

Tzu: "No. she's not your girlfriend! She's with Jihyo, and you fucked it up"

Jen: "Oh come on, why are all of you so peeved that I'm with Y/n now and she's not with Jihyo"

Tzuyu: "Y/n got into a serious car accident that made her lose her memory. You went and messed with her mind causing her to have mixed memories"

Jen: "I'm dating her now"

Tzu: "You're fucked up in so many ways, you don't understand. Anyways, I'm not letting you in to see Y/n, she's asleep, and I actually hate you so.."

Jen: "I'm coming in"

Y/n walked out of her room "No...Jen, leave"

Jen: "Babe! You're okay. I didn't know if you were doing fine or not"

Y/n: "I don't have my phone, I guess it broke in that crash"

Tzu: "Yeah, Jihyo asked about it. It no longer worked"

Y/n: "Uhh...okay. My head hurts, and I don't want to deal with this right now. Leave Jen"

Jen: "Fine, I'll be back later though to check on you"

Y/n: "Okay..."

Jennie walked away and Tzuyu closed and locked the door. Y/n sat down on the couch with Tzuyu following, sitting next to her.

Y/n: "Do you hate me?"

Tzu: "No...I can't though"

Y/n: "why?"

Y/n: "The doctors said not to force to many memories on you, and to go slow. But you've been too busy with Jennie. None of us had a chance to tell you this"

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