Part 6

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"Madison!" Queenie yells as Madison mind-controls Zoe to make her slap Mallory.

"You said to make her do anything," Madison shrugs.

Zoe glares at Madison.  "And we made it perfectly clear at the beginning of the lesson that you weren't to mind-control your partners to do anything bad."

Madison glances at Mallory distastefully.  "I don't view slapping Mallory as a bad thing."

"I'm sorry about her," Zoe says to Mallory.

Madison rolls her eyes.  "Whatever.  Can I leave now?"

"The lesson's not over-" Zoe starts.

"Just go," Queenie cuts Zoe off.  She looks to Zoe apologetically.  "She technically completed the lesson, so Cordelia can't get mad at us.  Besides, it's a lot less problematic with her gone."

"Excuse me?" Madison scoffs.

"You're getting out of the lesson," I tell Madison.  "Take the opportunity while you have it."

She sighs.  "I guess you're right."  She struts to the door.  "I'll see you hoes later!" she calls back.

Queenie and Zoe sigh before turning to me and Michael.  "Oh god," Queenie remarks.  "Who put those two together?"

"Madison hijacked the list of partners," I explain quickly.

Queenie sighs.  "Let's just get this over with.  Michael, you can Concilium Blaise first."

"And please don't pull a Madison," Zoe adds on.

Michael smirks.  "Oh, I would never."

"It's not too late to switch partners, is it?" I ask as I turn to Queenie.

"I mean, this will only take a minute or two-"

I gasp as my legs begin moving and they take me over to the fruit basket.  My hand picks up a peach and walks back over to Michael with it.  My hand brings it to my mouth and I take a bite out of it.  My hand holds the peach in front of me.  Ok... this isn't bad.

I try to put my hand down, but Michael still has control over my mind.  I send him a questioning look, but he only smirks in return.  My hand brings the peach towards my mouth again, this time with juice dripping down it.  My eyes go wide as I lick the sides of the peach suggestively before going in for the center.

"Michael, that's enough," Queenie orders.

Michael ignores her and makes me lick a stripe down the center of the peach.  I quickly break loose of his mind-control and throw the peach at him.  "Asshole, she said to stop."

He stares at me, wide-eyed.  "How did you do that?"

Zoe shakes her head.  "Wait, she broke your mind-control?" 

Michael stares at me in disbelief.  "How the hell did you do that?"

"Maybe I just got tired of having my ass humiliated," I retort.  I turn to Queenie.  "Is it my turn now?"

"Uh, maybe you should take a minute to cool down-"

Michael quickly speaks up.  "Most people have trouble mind-controlling me-"

"Most people also have trouble breaking loose of your mind-control," I cut him off as I enter his mind.  

His eyes go wide as he walks towards me against his own will.  He drops to his knees before bending over and licking my shoe.  I smirk, feeling him trying to fight my mind-control.

Fiery Nightmare // Michael LangdonWhere stories live. Discover now