George woke up and looked around his dirty apartment, while smelling a strangely familiar scent. "Oh no" George said sounding dissatisfied. "Crap,crap,crap,crap,CRAP" George said while running to his bathroom. George started a cold shower and hoped . Soon after George's shower, he ran into his room and changed into a plad button up shirt with some black ripped jeans with a chain hanging from his left pocket also wearing a white undershirt with blue converse. George ran as fast as he could to a shady corner store next to his apartment. George walked up to the clerk and asked for heat supplements. "No sorry kid we have been out of those for days" the clerk stated. "Hm ok" George tried to be nonchalant about the whole situation but inside he was having an absolute panic attack. George hopped back in his car and drove about 10 minutes away from his apartment. But this time he was at a Walmart, so he walked into the medication area and found some. He checked out and was on his way home.
(Smol time skip uwu)
George was currently in the parking garage trying to find a parking spot. He pulled into one and was currently walking to his apartment when he heard something in the alley way close to the garage. "AND DONT EVER THINKING ABOUT COMING BACK TO THIS HOUSE AGAIN" he heard that then a large bashing noise followed by someone heard sobbing close to George. "Hey are you ok" George said to the stranger. He found him against the bottom wall to the garage wrapped in a colorful striped banner he recognized. a rainbow flag. A tall, dirty blonde person with a green hoodie with blue jeans and his legs curled to his chest. "Um hello" George said slightly concerned. "H-hi" the dirty blonde boy said. "Who was that yelling at you" George asked. "Well, the boy said while sniffing "that was my dad" he finished. "Why was he yelling at you" George said. "I t-tried c-c-coming out to him with my flag I got from Amazon a-and he slapped me and said he d-didn't love me anymore" he continued while cuddling himself in his flag like a blanket. "Can I do anything to help" George said willingly. "I mean I don't have a house now so" he said worried. "Ok I have two questions I need answered 1. How old are you 2. What's your name" George said.
"My names Clay and I'm 19"the boy said. "Allow me to introduce myself, George I'm bi and I'm 18."George said. "Nice to meet you geor-wait your bi as in bisexual?"Clay curiously. "Um yeah" George said blushing a little. " alright come with me and you can stay with me in my apartment as long as you need too." George said smiling. "Yay thank you so much this is really going to help me" Clay said while getting up and hugging George. This is when George figured out that Clay was a lot taller than him.George took home into his apartment and showed him his room they said their good nights and they both drifted of to sleep.Ok that's a wrap. Thanks for reading this I'll try to add to this everyday happy pride month to my friends and have a good morning, afternoon, or evening 🤗
Word count:570

Used. A DNF omegaverse story
FanfictionGeorge was on his way back from getting heat supplements when he saw a person who was in an alley way