Michelle's Choice

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"Michelle? Look, I think you need to-" Embri couldn't finish her sentence before Michelle was very angry and just started screaming at the top of her lungs "LOOK, I AM TIRED OF YOU TELLING ME WHAT TO DO! JUST LET ME MAKE MY OWN FUCKING CHOICES, OKAY?" "Woah, I'll call you tommorow."  Embri said as she walked out of the room and had said goodbye to everyone.

It was a week later, Michelle was stressed and hadn't came out of her room. Soon her mother got worried and came to check in with her daughter. Michelle heard a soft knock on her door, she got up and opened the door. Her mother stepped in and sat on Michelle's bed as Michelle sat next to her. "So, how have you been?" Her mother asked as she took a pillow and layed on it. "I've been stressed, so Embri is Bisexual and Elliot is Lesbian. And I don't know my sexuality." Michelle said resting her head in her arms. "Oh sweetheart, just take your time and follow your heart! It will always tell you the right answer." Her wise mother said as she rubbed Michelle's arm. "Can Embri come over?" Michelle asked her mother. "If her mother allows it." Michelle's mother said, running her hands through Michelle's hair.(Sorry this paragraph was so long)

After Michelle called  Embri, Embri was knocking on the door. As Michelle opened the door she had a bright idea...(TO BE CONTINUED)

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