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same night.....

they had all made it back to the house and was now setting up for the sleepover over meech and michelle was making the fort, reese and jd was setting the snacks up, and Manman and nari was in the kitchen getting ready to cook

"okay so what we gotta do first" na'jour asked standing behind nyla

"well first get from behind me and you not helping" nari turned around and faced him

"why i can't help" Manman asked pouting

"ik you not pouting" nari laughed in his face making him frown even more

"ion even care no more" he said still pouting walking upstairs to his room he had a meech house slamming the door close making everybody jump

"what's wrong with him" reese asked

"he mad cause i said he couldn't help me cook and then he started pouting so i laughed in his face" nari answered

"Manman hate being laughed at go apologize" meech said

meech was older than all of them with him being 24, Jd being 21, reese being 23, and Manman 22

"i'm not apologizing for shit he act like a child he need to grow up he to old for that shit" she mugged them making the boys shake their heads at her because they all know why he act like that

"aight bruh you ain't have to say all that just go finish cooking while we finish setting up" jd spoke making them go back to what they was doing

some time went by nari was finished cooking she made shrimp and steak tacos na'jour was still in his room and everybody else was in the living room

nari made everybody plates and gave it to them deciding to be nice she made Manman plate as well

"where manman room at" she asked holding his and hers plate

"upstairs the door at the end of the hall" meech answered

making her way upstairs she knocked on the door not getting an answer she knocked again still no answer making her huff and open the door to see him sleep

she walked in and closed the door behind her sitting the plates on the night stand beside his bed she started to wake him up

"Manman" she tapped him making him move around a little

"Manman" she tapped him again making him sit up this time and stare at her

"what bruh"

"here the food done" she handed him his plate

"thank you" he said catching her off guard by how nice he was being shaking it off she grabbed her plate and started eating also

"whatchu doing" he asked her seeing that she was still sitting on his bed

"nigga i'm eating fuck it look like" she mugged him

"ok bitch i was just asking" he frowned at her

"why you act like a child" she asked taking another bite out of her taco and he just shrugged his shoulders making her nod slowly

"you wanna play 21 questions" nari asked after a moment of silence

"yeah imma go first" he answered "where you work or are you in school" he added

"umm i'm going to college for psychology" she stood up "hold on imma go throw our plates a way" she added before going downstairs

"what y'all up there doing screwing" jd made a face at her

"nigga no we talking stop worry about grown folks Business" she scrunched her face up at him before going back to Manman room

"ok i'm back" nari sat crisscross on the bed facing him, he looked up from his phone then back down not in the mood to talk anymore

"damn what i do now" she asked chuckling a little bit

"nun i just don't feel like talking no more im finna go to sleep so get out" he told her turning to his side

"ight well night nigga" she said getting up to leave

"bitch fuck you" Manman mumbled letting sleep take over him making her chuckle and close the door


"yeah but that's not all i go in the bitch room and this bitch got bedbugs like they not even hiding like most of em do they was just sitting there" reese was telling them one of his hoes story's

they was all just sitting around listening to him tell his story's cause they was always interesting

"so like what you do when you seen that" jd asked sitting on the floor crisscross applesauce in front of him

"fuck you mean what i do, i fucked her ass on the couch" he answered leaning back on the couch

"just nasty" nari mumbled closing her eyes


short chapter

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a/n: i really didn't know how to end it

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2024 ⏰

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