Chapter 1

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Running faster than his feet can take him, heart pounding so quickly it might explode. He quickly glances for fear his pursuer is closer than he appears, confused as he hears footsteps all around him. He trip's over a root and watches as a mysterious figure approaches. His vision starts to blur as his body hits the ground with a thud and everything goes dark.

Chapter 1

Jaspin's Pov:

I look at my phone in horror as I see the article on Oliver's death. Oliver was my best friend in middle school. We drifted apart 9th-grade year because his parents didn't like the idea of him hanging around the "School Pariah". The only reason I seem like such an outcast is cause everyone in this crappy town is a prude, except Riot and the rest of my Bada*s friend group, might I add we are the only "f@gs" in town. *I shake out of my inner monologue.* I show Riot the article that says he was pushed off of a cliff. My eyes water, just cause we weren't that close doesn't mean I didn't care about him.

Riot's Pov:

I grab Jaspin's phone reading as I shake my head "He got what was coming to him as far as I'm concerned." I Shrug and hand the phone back to him. I was in love with Jaspin and knew that he would never look my way because Jaspin was always pining after Oliver even though he wouldn't admit it, out loud at least. He looks at me shocked at my reply "that was our friend what did he ever do to you to deserve it" "We gotta find out who's behind it or someone else could be next" Jaspin said emphasizing the word, someone. "That was your friend not mine" 

Jaspin's Pov:

I scoff at Riot how could she be so heartless I think to myself, even if he was more my friend he was still a human being and didn't deserve to be killed *I turn off my phone gather up my stuff, and walk away* "You really are heartless ya know". I say as I storm off heading to class.

My next class is biology and I hated that class mostly because of Paxton. He is my friend sage's ex-boyfriend otherwise known as the biggest jerk in school, He is my enemy. I can't stand him. Ever since he told sage that "they weren't non-binary and she wasn't bisexual" "because they were with him and he only dates girls" I've been so angry at him, I could kill him. He is a joke not to mention transphobic, and a misogynistic A**hole *I go into the class and sit down* I look over my shoulder and I see sage. "Girl you really are beautiful" *I tell her and look up at the board she smiles and does the same*.

Riot's Pov:

As I run through the halls rushing to get to class I can't help but think about what Jaspin said. Maybe we should help out so it's not one of us next just cause I hate the kid doesn't mean he doesn't deserve justice. *RIIIIIIIIIING* I make it to class just as the bell rings I sigh slinking into my seat as Mrs.Picolini starts to teach math.

~After class During the walk home~

"Hey, jaspin I've been thinking about what you said. Let's do it, let's find out who killed him," I said looking up at Jaspin as we walked down the street. Jaspin hesitantly agreed "Yea let's do it we would be like junior detectives. "Where would we even start tho?" he asks while looking down on me.

I grinned "we start at the scene of the crime like everyone else. let's go to the woods where he was found" after thinking it over jaspin hesitantly agreed "I'm down if you are probably won't find anything." We stray off the street home into the woods the same woods where Oliver was killed.

That's all for now folks we will try and upload frequently.

Stay amazing -Dax and Ace :)

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2021 ⏰

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