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(Update-Forms Closed! We have all our trainees!)

Finally! Forms!

So in this form,you are going to give me a detailed description of your trainee. Take your time and give all minute details about your trainee,so that I can develop their personality.

All things asked in this form are generally asked in any audition form :)

All About My Trainee

Stage Name:(Can be same as birth name)

Birth Name:

Birth Date: DD/MM/YY




Blood Type:

Face Claim:

Backup Face Claim:


Training period:

Their scouting/audition story:

Any siblings? If yes older or younger please specify:

MBTI Personality Type:(If you don't know what MBTI is,just search them up or take the MBTI test keeping your trainee in mind,it will help create a personality for your trainee)

Personality Description:Be detailed.

Favourite Food/Drink:

TMI Facts about them:How many ever you want to list.



Phobias,scared of,weaknesses:

Favourite idols/artists/inspiration:

Trainee Rating:Your trainee is human so they cannot be perfect in everything. They should have a strength and weakness.

Vocal: /10

Rap: /10




Visual(Not based on any standards,simply your viewpoint💖 Beauty lies in the eye of the beholder : /10

Stage Presence : /10

Charisma : /10

Leadership: /10

Any extra points about your trainee for me to note:

Your user id(do let me know if you change it):

Please tag your friends if they would be interested in taking part.

Forms will be open till all spots are taken after which the show will start :)

Keep checking the companies,faceclaims and open spots remaining.

If you run out of words,simply ad the next part of form as a reply.

Do message me if you have any questions,I will get back to you :)

Update: We have got so many Indian trainees already,it would be lovely to see more girls from other regions 😃💖

Clean Form->

Turn in your form here->

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