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[logs onto SwagMaster account.]

─ New Chat
─ Chat(10)
─ Chat(1)

[furrows eyebrows, and clicks the Chat(10).]

ElytsH: Hiii

ElytsH: I'm in English

ElytsH: It's quite boring

ElytsH: You probably find me annoying

ElytsH: Still want a dick pic ;-)

ElytsH: I am a loser

ElytsH: *sighs like a loser* *breathes like a loser* *wanks off like a loser*

ElytsH: My life revolves around sob-coms (rom-coms) and porn

ElytsH: This is sad, I'm spamming you

ElytsH: Please take this away from me

SwagMaster: I don't know how to feel about you

ElytsH: Me neither.

SwagMaster: About me or uou?

SwagMaster: You** Ffs

ElytsH: Ffs? ._.

SwagMaster: For fuck sakes. Keep up with the lingo, old dick.

ElytsH: Saggy dick**

SwagMaster: Could care less**

ElytsH: :-)

SwagMaster: (-:

ElytsH: :-3

SwagMaster: 6-:

ElytsH: Lana

SwagMaster: Anal

SwagMaster: Cheeky bastard

ElytsH: Didn't actually think you'd do it. That was the best thing ever!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SwagMaster: You horrible person

ElytsH: ??

SwagMaster: Over did it on the exclamation points, mate.

ElytsH: It's to show EXCLAMATION

SwagMaster: Not desperation

ElytsH is typing...

ElytsH is offline.

[furrows eyebrows, and shrugs. locks phone, and gets off couch to get some water.]

SwagMaster: Well, uh, goodnight?

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