Locker Cleaners

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"Jules, just let us on this case. No one has to know. It can be our little secret." Juliet turns to stare at her fiancé whilst he looks at her seriously pointing his fingers between him and her.

"Shawn, I'm apart of this too" Gus stated from the kitchen. Shawn kept a straight face and then circled his fingers towards all three of them.

"Shawn. This is San Francisco. It's more structured than Santabarbara. " Juliet informed. "Look, guys I'm sorry. I know you need to make a living but why don't you go looking for office space available and re-open Psych?" She suggested as she placed her empty coffee mug in the sink and off to prepare for the day.

"Alright Gus. Jules is right. We can't do "our thing" and jump in do to whatever we want." Shawn reasoned.

"You know Shawn, I think moving to be here, and getting engaged has really been a maturity improvement." His complimented. "Let's drive around, look for a nice little coffee shop, and then to find a new office." Gus planned and walked off leaving Shawn alone.

"Sounds like a plan buddy!" Shawn yelled after. He got up, quietly, and over to Juliet's work desk. Shawn opened drawers and files, looking for something. Finally, something caught his eye and Shawn became intrigued. He pulled out his phone, snapped a few quick pictures and placed everything back accordingly.

Juliet showed up to the crime scene and made her way over to the chief.

"Hey Chief, what do we got here?" The chief showed Juliet over to the body. They were in a high school girls locker room. A red head was sitting up against the sinks, dead. She had red marks on her neck and bruised hands.

"Macy Trills. Freshman. Just turned 15. Her soccer coach found her here this morning around 5:45. There's no trace of blood, we're getting forensics to look for prints."

"Have we gotten the video footage from the hallway yet?" Juliet asked after listening attentively.

"Not yet."

Just around the corner was Shawn and Gus, hiding behind some lockers.

"Who would want to murder a kid?" Gus asked.
Shawn turned to his partner, still speaking in the hush tone.

"First off Gus, she wasn't a kid. She was in high school- call her a teenager. Secondly, i dont know."

"Jealous girl?" Gus prompted.

"That seems to be the most logical but I don't feel it" Shawn told him. Gus nodded in agreement then his eyes widened and he casually turned around to leave.

"Don't think about go anywhere, Gus" Shawn hadn't understood why Gus was acting so strange until he heard her sweet, yet full of authority, voice.

Shawn turned to Juliet. "Jules, what are you doing here?" Shawn played dumb.

"I'm working Shawn. What are you doing here?" Juliet shot back.

"Jules, you know business has been slow and we need money. So Gus and I picked up a job as locker cleaners. They happen to be very important and come to good use." He lied.

"So you just happened to get a job between yesterday, when you got here, and early this morning?" Juliet questioned. Gus started to get uncomfortable.

"Juliet, I think I left the sink running. I'll just be heading out to turn that off." Gus said nervously, hoping she would let him slide.

"Gus, you left the house before me to get coffee. I was the last in the bathroom, and turned off the sink." Juliet informed getting a bit annoyed.

"And when we left this morning we can to get jobs as locker cleaners!" Shawn hopped back in.

"Shawn, you did get coffee this morning. And locker cleaners don't exist. I told you, you can't help on this case. Things are much more ordered and strict here. You can't play around when you haven't been officially hired, okay?" Juliet tried to ground that message into his head, but she knew he wouldn't give up so easily.

"Okay. Okay Jules, you're right. I'm sorry. We'll just go home now." Shawn pleaded guilty. Juliet gave a small smile. He gave her a quick kiss and him and Gus were out to the car.

"Shawn, I need a job. You have to-" Gus started to rant until Shawn cut him off.

"Gus, we'll have a job by the end of the day." Shawn stated knowingly. Gus wrinkled his eyebrows in confusion.

"Oh yeah? Where?" Gus challenged.

"On that case. The chief will love to have us back! First thing, where can we find empty offices ready to he rented?" And they drove off.


Ugh! I'm so so sorry for the late update! I'm been thinking about what to write next and I've got it!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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