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Hello my dearest fans. This is one of my best works and I'll be posting biweekly with this one for quality. This is just the prologue so just push through so you won't be confused. And yes there will be some sexiness in this.

Love y'all <3

The sweet melodies of the Lakame Opera 'Flower Duet' flowed through out the room. Such calming music, I could never resist the resolve it gives me. The echoes attacked my ears in harmony. What beautiful voices wouldn't you agree. I turned to my hostage for a response, maybe a slight cut right here on his arm. His muffled scream strained against the duck tape on his mouth. That might be why he can't answer, silly me that's fine he doesn't have to answer. I think he's assured no one can hear him now. So since we are in a business mood now let's do some explaining.

"Are you going to tell me who you are now. " I asked him calmly.

3 Months Earlier

I kissed my daughter good bye as I dropped her off at school. She gave me a strong hug and smile. Then we parted with verbal love. I think she helps me keep my sanity at times, gives me resolve more than my Pandora stations and coffee can. I chuckled at the thought, of course they couldn't be better than her. I hopped back into my coupe and drove off to my firm. I liked the sound of that actually 'my firm' had a nice ring to it. I owned it and it's all mine. I couldn't ask for more than a easier way to do my job. Five hours of sleep for 5 years is not a good beauty remedy. But God created makeup for a reason didn't he. I sighed deeply 27 years old wearing makeup huh. Not exactly what I singed up for. But I do it for the people, people who are a slave to corrupt corporations. I give them what they deserve and bring justice to the assholes who mistreated their power. Some things just sicken me to the point that I just might hurl. I turned on the radio to sooth myself to find 'One for The Road' by Arctic Monkeys playing how encouraging. I think today is going to be great. Judging from how this week has gone I don't think there will be much issues. Except for my partner Ralph Calixte, I call him Alex cause it has a better ring to it. He has been trying to get me to take on another case. To be perfectly honest, I don't want to. I wasn't ready to go back to the other Kyra, the one that would change the rotation of the earth to bring someone to justice. But I suppose I have no choice in the matter. I promised to choose one today so it's time to get back to work.

Pulling up to Sander's & Associates I parked my car and reminded myself mentally that whatever happens, whatever comes my way, I will not allow it to change me, my morals, my standards, or even my methods. I'm Kyra and I can't loose that because that's who I am and nothing will change that. I say that to myself every morning to make sure I don't lose sight of myself and what I stand for. To be perfectly honest, I don't think I ever will.

"I think someone had a good breakfast. " Ralph greeted me with a smile. I made a sly remark on how I had a few criminals for my balanced breakfast. We had a few laughs and headed for my office.

My office was of course the biggest but simplistic. I had a view of New York's best high rise buildings behind my desk, a few artificial plants, a pine wood conference table, and my book shelf populated with some of my best reads. Including my law degree. I sat in my chair and prepared myself to take on another case. Alex listed them to me one by one making them all sound appealing until he takes the hint I'm not interested in that case. He pulls the final folder he treats it as a last resort. I don't like his look he seems... tense. I pressured him to show me the file till he did.

"I've done my own investigation on National Resources of America. They had several employees come before attorneys to prosecute against them for money laundering with drug proceeds. But before anyone can take official action they disappear." He said it's worth looking into but I already made up my mind, it's my case already. But I sent him packing without an answer.

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