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Author's Pov

"Because I needed to be with you  For forever ... My....Heaven... "

He breathed out against her lips making her entire aching heart to calmed hearing his words and feeling his lip's warmness on her..

Heaven slightly pulled back and her glossy eyes met with his where she found his tears were also shedding from his eyes silently because she knew it how much difficult it for him to fought against his own self and fears and finally accepting his feelings and emotions in front of her..

Heaven's doe orbs got fastened with his while her eyes also dropped warm tears realising after enduring everything finally that day had come which she forever wanted that his heart finally broke every tough walls and barriers around it which he created and finally it won against his fear, pain and sufferings.. And ultimately reached to her heart which always belonged to him...

They both gazed deep into each other's eyes like they were staring at their entire world making it looked like the time around them froze and at that moment only they both mattered to each other against each and everything which eventually led their souls to collided together...

Heaven cupped his face and gently wiped his cheeks with her thumbs and got more closer to his and softly whispered against his lips..

"Promise me you will never tell me  again to leave you.. No matter what... "

He didn't reply and just stared at her beautiful big teary eyes which were desperately waiting for his answer..

Heaven slowly extended her palm towards him and again stated with her soft voice looking deep into his eyes.

"Promise me Sin.. You will never again try to make me apart from you... You're going to be with me until the day I close my eyes for forever... "

Heaven uttered those words which she meant with her everything but her heart clenched terribly when she found his eyes to shedded his tears more abruptly as soon she completed her sentence...

Heaven didn't realise it but her sentence broke him beyond any limit of bearance making him to immediately caged her tiny little frame in his embrace and shattered into tears...

"I promise you my Doll, the day you will close your eyes for forever is going to be the day my heart will  beat for the last time.... " He spoke with his almost broken voice while clutching her more tightly in his arms making her broke out in sobbing hearing his words...

She caged him back as tightly as she could and cried her heart out letting her every  pain and suffering to out in his arms.. He palmed her cheeks and kissed her tears away from her face and than held her Palm in his a little firmly..

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