The Grand Highblood

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       As the screams echoed through the halls and into the night, his honnorable tyrant threw his head back giving a miraculous laugh. He watched as the lowblood squirmed and thought oh how this mirthfuless wriggler could have  done something so foolish, going up against him! Oh how it gave him joy to watch him bleed from his shackles tight against his wrist, digging and tearing into his flesh. The tyrant got up slowly towering over the pugent smelling mustardblood, his shadow casted a monsterous figure, more terrifying then imperial drones. Anyone who smelt the mixtures of colorful blood of war and laughter all know the worst is to come. As the purple blood thought of all things to come with his morailgence to the empress and had taken over the hearts of many, he smiled, but oh no not just any smile. Though the smile of madness, the mind of a evil genius with no heart or soul. He picked the troll up by the head still giving a laugh of enjoyment, the screaming had stopped once the new freshly painted blood was splattered across the walls and floors. He looked down at the decapitated body, most of the blood on his face and clothes, he sneared. 

            "I need more for the messiahs, ONLY THEN WILL THEY BE GETTIN THEIR MOTHERFUCKIN PLEASEIN ON." though he sighed seeing the rest of the motherfuckers have their executions scheduled, though he loved the thought of executions he did wish for more torture, such as imparticular like the mutant. His face turned into submission, all the excitment that had happened was long gone, though her imperious was bettin on his ass that the martyr had just made more rebellions. Secretly he was hopin ,but knowing that the little lowbloods will get know where of succeeding in it and it's not like he wanted them to win, it was just fun to him. He smirked feeling enjoyment again and walked his ass back to his blood splattered throne, looking for more fun he called in for more prisoners to be "culled" . He laid back in his throne, his fingers tapping lightly as he waited. Deep in a blood splattered kingdom lived a cold blood tyrant, not to imperious, but enough to destroy and kill who ever he wished! He was the collector of paint and souls, the king of rage and madness. He is known by many names ,but you shall know him as The Grand HighBlood.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2016 ⏰

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