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- natsu has a hard time at first distinguishing his feelings for you as romantic rather than as friend feelings he has for everyone

- but once he does realize he can uncharacteristically get rather flustered.

- he is simple minded and pure hearted to the core and once he discovered his feelings would do anything to put that smile he loves so much on your face.

- tropes natsu and his s/o would most likely resemble would either be "enemies" to lovers (enemies as in bickering like with grey, not actual bad guys) or best friends to lovers.

- mira and lucy (sometimes even grey) would tease natsu about his apparent feelings

- natsu LOVES that you love happy and happy loves you. that's his best buddy and it's a major turn off if you find the adorable flying cat annoying.

- natsu can be super clingy even before you two are together. before he recognizes his feelings he could just enjoy being in your presence without understanding why but after he would still innocently seek you out to spend time with him.

- what better time to spend with his favorite person than taking them on missions with him?

- natsu won't mind if his s/o isn't powerful, if you aren't he would pat your head and reassure you he would win before a fight, but if you are, this man is a new level of infatuated by you. he loves to watch you fight and is your biggest cheerleader / supporter. he loves when you're confident in general and in your fighting abilities.

- i honestly believe at some point in going on missions he will just assume you guys are together.  he will believe his feelings have grown because your relationship is different from other friendships and will assume it's because you guys are a partnership in both missions and in feelings.

- if you gather up the nerve to tell him your feelings he will look confused.

"(Your Name), of course I like you, isn't that how relationships work?"

- confused and flustered you clarify to him you weren't in a relationship, to which he blushes and scratches the back of his neck down, closing his eyes and angling his head away from you.

- natsu gets flustered easily when you first start dating, looking up at him with sparkling eyes he can't help but to blush and either avert his eyes to your gaze or stare, enraptured by the vision before him.

- over time as natsu gets comfortable with you, you become almost an extension of himself. you're his best friend (besides happy).

- because he sees you as an extension of himself you best bet this man can be clingy

- he does it unconsciously, not trying to be a bother or even considering it could bother you but he takes the idea "other half" incredibly seriously.

- the man really is like a big fluffy golden retriever and will be happy with almost any kind of attention.

"(Your Name)!! Watch me kick Gray's ass, ok?"

- he loves to be touching you, which, in the winter is incredibly welcomed as the man is a human heater in every part of his body.

- a little kid at heart, he loves things that are squishy, so he loves boobs but also your cheeks too. in the winter when you breathe out that cloudy perspiration indicating the dropping temperature outside, he would place his hands on your rosy cheeks, squishing them, the skin on skin contact providing you warmth.

- natsu loves to cuddle and lay his head on your boobs or chest, and if you play with his hair or scratch his head the man will be snoring in no time.

- he enjoys being able to touch you whenever he wants, whether it's messing with your fingers or clothes, or hugging you.

- if either you or natsu go on a mission without one another, whether the mission was two days or two months he will act like he hasn't seen you in years. the moment he locks eyes with you he will run as fast as he can to tackle you in a huge, warm hug, enveloping you fully, his momentum either sending you both to the ground or causing him to spin you around. happy would follow suit, either giving the two love birds their space then getting a solo hug from you, or flying ahead of natsu into your chest only for him to become the middle of a aggressive human sandwich.

- although natsu is clingy, he's only possessive in some ways. he loves to be able to protect you but understands you can handle yourself. he is fine with you going off on your own and taking fights because he trusts you can handle it and knows because of his own pride that he would never want to insult you by not believing in you.

- he can be possessive though, and when it comes to other boys he won't really notice their advances as he is a bit naive and doesn't catch on to these things, but if they're incredibly obvious or state their intentions he will get jealous. as part of him is dragon by nature, he greatly dislikes a competition when it comes to his mate.

- like previously stated, natsu loves making you happy and will do anything to achieve this goal

- if he is in a different city on a mission or if he sees literally anything he thinks you would like, he brings it back for you.

- he loves to take you out exploring, loves to run around and although i believe he wouldn't want to train by fighting you full out, would want to take you into the woods and train side by side with you.

- would take you out to eat all the time

- would be impressed if you could eat a lot

- his idea of spending time with you would not usually include typical dates.

- he loves going on missions with you above all but he can be lazy and is content to spend the day cuddling and napping in your bed.

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