Chapter 12: Who I am.

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Dedication to everyone who read, comment, vote and share my book.

Let me shout-out @bellaDo60, @2838Kjohn, @ShambhaviChaturvedi6 and    


I woke up the next day feeling tiny hands on my face.  "Mama time to wait up" Jonah whined kissing me all over my face like I usually do to him.

"Come on now mama, rise, shine and give God the glory" I laughed. He needs to stop being left with Lisa.

"I'm up now my baby boy" I said kissing him all over his face and on his hands.

''Can we eat chocolate ice-cream mommy?'' I tear up at him calling me mommy. He  hardly calls me that.

So emotional    I say to myself.

"Alright baby lets get some food in our bellieeeeeeeeeeeeeees. If that's even a word my B-Boy" I said picking him up from beside me and off the floor. 

"Mommy? Why were you not on your bed." He said as I walked out the room.

"I was too tired to reach on the bed and too dirty"

''Baby go to aunty Tes while I go bathe" I said putting him down and sending him in the direction of Tessa's room.

"I'll be back mama, big and better"

''What did they give you to watch my son" I said laughing while heading back to my room to take a show show (shower)

''How did Jonah reach in my room if I bolted it last night. I was way too tired to use the bathroom last night so I obviously couldn't open it.'' I asked myself (obviously) when I realized about his entrance.

Don't judge but I go to the bathroom at night time so I don't turn out to be a 16 year old teen mom wetting her bed. That would be so embarrassing.

I laughed at my mental thoughts. Then again if it's your thoughts it would be mental LIKE THE MORE YOU KNOW.

I showered then, got ready. Sprayed my men cologne on myself because I love men cologne. I don't use female cologne unless I'm taking some of Tessa's.

 I went to Tessa's room to find her and Jonah

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 I went to Tessa's room to find her and Jonah. I opened the door and search the whole room  for them but couldn't find them. I went back to the door where to bed is to check under it only to hear laughing coming from downstairs.

''I'm sure yall could have laugh before I came into the room" I grumbled going down stairs.

"ALL the sweating for nothing. Pathetic '' I continued. When I reached down stairs I didn't even say good morning.

I was in a boyish outfit seeing that I'm not a fashion diva I didn't look feminine today. I never did when I was in my house anyway.

'' The queen has arive''

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