Chapter 1 - That feeling, a yell and thoughts of a Kiss.

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(The characters are heavily OOC as the storyline was written a couple years ago by a 12yo dumbass aka me.)

Deku POV

While lunch and following I've been deep in thoughts. Acknowledging that Kacchan helped me when every guy was chasing me, as I was wearing the wig and skirt. It was very uncomfortable in a skirt. 'God, how can the girls stay in them all day?' I knew at the very beginning that this wasn't one of the smartest ideas our class had. 'Couldn't they have chosen someone else to embarrass in front of all. Not to mention that everyone took pictures of me.' I was so uncomfortable. Even though I had nothing to do with what happened at the sports-festival I still needed to bathe out the things Mineta and Kaminari did. 'They should have worn the skirt, both of them instead of me'

Another problem would be, that since Kacchan saved me, I've been feeling this bubbly warm sensation in my chest. I never noticed but it's the same as I got in our childhood every time we hung out and had fun. 'Those were awesome days. We'd spent the day together and just play Hero and Villain or him saving me from a villain. Though he would always want to play the hero. How cute if I think back to it now.'

Overlooked that lunch was over, I walked to homeroom again. "Deku? Deku? Deku!" As much neglected as my attention was walking back from lunch the more unnoticed it was that Uraraka tried to talk to me. Her shouting my name got me back on earth. She continued to talk saying something like 'Oh Deku you've spaced out for the fourth time today. Is everything alright?' I tried focusing on listening to her. Apparently my thoughts didn't want that. "...the fourth time you spaced out...wrong... because of before lunch. We are sorry please we already apologized. Tell us what's wrong" She looked at me awaiting an answer. "I-it's not that just uh-" I didn't have an answer. I need to think of something. C'mon think, think, think. What all had happened before? Got it. "It's because of Tetsutetsu. He- uh...kind of said he had the desire to marry me and uh I j-just feel sorry for running away from him." It was a lie. 'I don't care for what he said. It was his mistake. Since when was I so coldhearted towards people I don't usually interact with?' Uraraka still looked dead into my eyes. 'Did she not believe me?'

"Everybody, sit down Aizawa-Sensei is coming." Iida interrupted Uraraka as she tried to start talking. "All right you guys. Today we'll have some hero training to do. The topic for today is saving other people. Especially the few in here that don't like working with people will find benefit from this." Aizawa-Sensei eyed Kacchan and I let out a little smile."All Might is already on ground beta. You lot change into your hero costumes and meet back with me and All Might on the training ground."

Everyone started to move to their designated suitcase that has their number on it. We all made our move to the changing rooms. Me trying to conversate with Iida and Uraraka still having some moments in my own thoughts. 'Even Todoroki is talking with them rather freely. I'm happy he finally talks with other people he's comfortable with.'
Us boys parted ways with the girls to get into the changing rooms. As we were changing I heard some fighting between Kirishima and Kacchan. 'What a norm nowadays that Kirishima is bringing up a topic in here and Kacchan is arguing against it. It's entertaining to watch them, reminds me of back when we were little and his friends would do the same thing that Kirishima does.'
I eyed their fight and Kacchan still wasn't done changing as to Kirishima, Kaminari and Sero were done. 'I guess his costume is harder to change into. It could also be only today since Kirishima had such a delightful Idea with the topic. I might need to keep an eye on that it would be a disadvantage when we would need to wear our hero costumes in a dangerous situation and he'd take this long.'

"Midoriya-Kun are you coming?" I looked over Todoroki and nodded my head as I walked over to them and continuing to the battle ground. Everyone else started to come in and as all are here the teachers started to talk. "Alright now that everyone is here we can start. I mentioned that we'll do some saving training." I looked around and studied every hero costume and with what it could help, making mental notes of additions for helpful items. 'I'm gonna need to write these things down later on.'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 09 ⏰

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