chapter 12: 𝐡𝐞𝐚𝐯𝐲 𝐜𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐭

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  ↳𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐒 flew next to the big window and bright sunshine illuminating the whole room

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  ↳𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐃𝐒 flew next to the big window and bright sunshine illuminating the whole room. it was morning already. another day is beginning. on y/n's nightstand, there were a bunch of tissues, they all seemed to be used. there were even some on the floor.
y/n was sleeping peacefully on her big and cozy bed, but her sleep was soon disturbed by buzzing sounds from her phone.
she groaned and turned the alarm off, still laying in her bed with opened eyes. she kept looking at the ceiling, not feeling her usual self. well, who would? she just lost a childhood friend. she kept asking herself, did she over-react? is this all her fault? she didn't even listen what osana had to say. she ignored all her messages, and taro told her to ignore her as well, so she did. did she really just cut her off like that?

y/n's sad lips let out a deep sigh, she got up from her bed with all strength she had and slowly started doing her usual routine, except, everything felt so..hard, difficult, unusual. it's like even brushing her teeth exhausted her. her chest was heavy, making every step harder than the previous one. her mind was fuzzy and she kept thinking: 'is this really a reality?' 'i'm not dreaming, am i?'
this all reminded her of her break up, which added much more pain to all of this. she kept remembering all hard words that fell on the table once she got into a fight with her ex-boyfriend. she didn't want to remember, no. that was probably the last thing she needed now, but, it's like she couldn't control it.

her mother was gone, probably another important meeting, so she decided just to eat an apple and head off the school. she was early for once. she waited for taro at the end of the street where they usually meet up.
streets were busy as usual, a lot of noise and chatter all around the street. sakura leaves falling here and there, making pretty little flower puddles.
y/n was kicking some rocks around while waiting for her black haired friend to come.

 y/n was kicking some rocks around while waiting for her black haired friend to come

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y/n's p.o.v.

i wonder if something is going to change now. i mean i have so much questions for osana, but, there's no way i'm talking to her after this. ugh..why do things have to be this way? ..i shouldn't be the one who's complaining though, i always had everything i wanted, right?

yeah, that's what my mom would say. she always told me i don't have any rights to be sad, because she works hard and i get everything i want. i always felt like the last piece of junk, because i do feel sad. so i am basically ungrateful? i should be happy. but, i'm not...UGH I HATE THIS-

"hey y/ are you doing?"- i suddenly felt a gentle hand on my shoulder, must be taro i thought
"o-oh..! hey taro! i'm doing just alright, i guess" - i  barely spoke up, god what's wrong with me
"yeah well i wouldn't say so, how about i buy you a chocolate and you tell me what's on your mind, how about that?" - he smiled at me sweetly, i swear to god he is the best friend I could ever ask for
i immediately smiled back and nodded without even thinking twice
"alright then, come with me."

narrator's p.o.v.

taro and y/n shared a deep and long conversation about y/n's feelings. that had been bothering her for  a while. they went through everything that happened yesterday. y/n did let out few tears to escape.
she also shared some mother-daughter problems with him. he understood everything and listened closely. after she was done he gave her a very cozy and warm hug and told her that she is definitely not ungrateful or anything. she is just a human being. and in the matter of a fact, money doesn't bring happiness. her mother taught her wrong.

y/n thanked taro and gave him another hug.
they were talking for such a long time, from all the way to school and on the school grounds before gates, they stopped to finish their conversation. on the same spot osana and taro would meet up everyday.

those friendly hugs they gave each other were a bit more deadly then they could ever think.
an argument popped out between the two jealous and furious students.

"why the hell don't you just tell your man to take those filthy hands off her?!"
"huh?? how is this my fault?! she was all sad or whatever over that orange and she literally ASKED for a hug. if anyone should tell someone to back off that's YOUR girl"
"who else's would this fault be?! hers? i think the fuck not! she didn't ask for anything, that weirdo of yours bought her a damn chocolate and hugged her without even asking."
"umeji don't make me go get a knife."
"oh i would LOVE to see you, maybe you could also smile for the camera so i could show it to a teacher?"
"you damn bastard, i don't know if i should be mad at you or proud of you."
"whatever, i have to go, my friends are waiting for me. control that bitch boy."
"call him that again and you won't have a tongue anymore."
"yeah yeah, bye."

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❥︎ meanwhile at the same time

"guys! guys..! umeji is busy talking with that black girl that helps him with maths!"
"yeah, and?"
"do i look like i care?"
"are they fucking or something?"

"• • •"

"you are unbelievable..i hate you all."
"ughh..sorry osoro, we were joking, come on tell us what's up."
"well y/n will come here during lunch time right?"
"i don't see where this this going"
"that's because you are stupid gaku."
"shut it dairoku!"
"both of you shut the fuck up and let osoro speak!"
"thanks, man. anyway, i have a plan! and you all will help me with it!"
"what kind of plan?"
"i still don't understand.."
"wow Gaku, now i can't even believe too how dumb you are. we are obviously making a plan to prank y/n."
" are so fucking stupid hayanari.."
"HAHAHAH hayanari what the fuck?? am i the only one who understands what is osoro trying to say?"
"please explain them hokuto.."
"well she has a plan how to get y/n and umeji together, that's for sure."
"i get it noww!!"
"me too, i'm embarrassed now.."
"yeah same bro.."
"you should be, damn. thank you hokuto."

𝒋𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆.  [ umeji kizuguchi x reader ] ° yandere simulator °Where stories live. Discover now