Chapter 14 - Chaos All Around!?!?

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Knuckles woke to sound of Tails voice calling to him. His vision cleared as he saw Tails with a worried look on his face. Knuckles groaned and said, "Uhhh...Tails?" The yellow fox sighed before he asked, "What happened to you Knuckles? Are you alright?" Knuckles was hesitant before he explained everything that happened to him before he passed out. When he finished explaining Tails was shocked at what he had said. Tails asked stuttering, "Wh-Why would Sonic do this?" Knuckles replied, "I don't know. He and Grey-Sky were laughing evilly. When I kept talking to Sonic he kept saying that he's Scourge." Tails eyes widened at what he just said as he stuttered and muttered, "Wh-What? Scourge? I don't understand." Knuckles said, "That's what I thought." That's when the girls came to them as Sticks said, "Guys things are getting weird." Tails replied as he turn to Sticks, "I know. Whatever is happening... I have gotta really bad feeling about this." Then they heard of a screaming as they see it's one of the Gogova's that survived a massacre in their village earlier running for his life. Then they saw Boomer-Fang with wide eyes landed on the Gogova on his two feet and said as he pointed a gun at the struggling Gogova, "Sorry Mate. Nothin personal it's just that me doing some bad." Just after he said that he shot the Gogova in the head. Boomer-Kenzie laughed as he ran to the right ally way. Tails simply said with fright and wide eyes, "Boomer?!" Amy then gasped as she saw Sonia-Lienda, Sally-Fiona, and Rika-Reala mugging and beating a random villager before running off. Amy asked herself loudly, "Was that Sally, Sonia, and Rika?!" Sticks looked around seeing Elsie-Breezy and Staci-Rouge stealing some rubies and diamonds from the mayors pockets and running away. Staci-Rouge said while running, "Hahahaha!! Like taking rock-candy from a big fat baby." Sticks in shock said, "Okay is it me...? ...Or are Elsie and Staci more wild than usual?" Knuckles who also saw it said, "I dunno. But there's something familiar about Staci's new behavior." Amy asked frustrated and shocked, while she and the gang were looking around seeing their friends doing villainous deeds around them, "What is happening to Sonic and the others?!" Tails replied, "I don't know but there's a real logical explanation for this! We gotta find out what it is!" Knuckles said in a panic, "I agree with Tails! We gotta find out what happened to the hedgehog I lo~..." Knuckles trailed off seeing Amy, Sticks, and Tails confused. Knuckles chuckled nervously and said, "I mean... We got to find out what happened to Sonic and the others." Tails with a dull look thought, "Why is it that Knuckles is too dull to know that we know that he loves Sonic?" Then the four walked off to investigate what has happened while Tails rolls his eyes and the villains still having fun.

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