Hi, author here just a heads up the grammar in this story is not going to be A+ cause to be honest my grammar is SHIT. So to whoever is reading this shitty story i'm sorry just tell me if my grammar is that bad. Yeah.. ok lets go introduce the characters.
Age: 16
Pronouns: She/They
Zodiac: Leo
Birthday: July 28
Height:164 cm
Sexuality: Bisexual
(credits to my editor aka my caretaker like to the Pinterest board for more inspo https://pin.it/5HYKeYf
Steal- The basics of this quirk is that y/n can steal the energy from the people around them and make it into energy and power to fuel their other quirk. Basically drain people until their desired power level is reached. The down side to this is that they have to train their body to hold this energy. Another side affect is a bright light surrounding y/n's body.
Sunlight- The basics of this quick is that y/n can move the sunlight in the air and places around her to create anything in her desire convert the molecules from light to any material desired by y/n. Sunlight can also be used as a power itself sucking all the sunlight in the air making the area that has been stolen completely dark because on the light has been sucked out and the only thing you can see is y/n's glowing body. an after affect of using this power is drainage it with drain y/n's energy by a huge amount.
Seat: Y/n seat is in a spare chair next to mina
Author here again this lit (im using abbreviations because this is how I write lmao) took me so long to writ because i was watching anime and I got distracted. I write this story for fun so dont worry and please dont get mad if I dont post