Chapter 3.

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It was a few hours later, 10am to be exact, the Explorer woke up. He blew out the candle that was still lit from earlier on, then sat up. He looked over to Naib and smiled softly. He checked the clock to see what time it was and realized his match was supposed to start now. He would rush out of the room, trying not to wake his friend. He went to his room and quickly changed, as seeing his room is on the first floor. He quickly went to the waiting room, stumbling and almost dropping his book. "Sorry! I slept in a bit sorry." he said with a embarrassed look and readied up. We now go back to the Mercenary who had just woken up. He went to go touch Kurt until he realized he was gone, he jolted up. "Kurt? This isn't funny, if you're hiding come out." he would look around, "Come on this isn't a time to joke." He would be a bit wobbly getting up "Kurt?.." It finally settled in to him that he wasn't there. He quickly rushed out, sliding into a wall, using it to to push himself off. "Kurt!?" He called out, he ran into Emma, who was with the mechanic. "Naib? Why are you looking for Kurt? He's in a match right now." She told him, and he took a quick breath a relief. "I never knew you could care so much about someone, let alone anyone." A male voice said, ah yes, Freddy Riley. 
Naib angrily looked at him, fists clenched, ready for a fight if he said one more thing. Tracy stepped in, saying, "Hey Freddy, you were supposed to help us with fixing up the railing in the front. Come one another person could fall." She cleared her throat, grabbing The Lawyer and the Gardener out of the room. Naib sighed, going to the kitchen to wait for Kurt to get back. Some time later he heard people coming back from the match, he saw everyone else, but he didn't see the Explorer. "Where's Kurt?" he asked softly. He then saw who he was looking for, injured and bruised. He had stayed behind to distract the hunter but never got out. A wave of anxiety hit him, his face filled with worry. "Emily!" He yelled and the doctor came as quick as she could "What is it?" She asked the male "Kurt got injured during a match, can you treat him?" Then a weak but loud voice said, "I'm fine, I promise.", this made Naib get a bit angry. "I took your help so you take mine now." Kurt gave in quickly, he couldn't disobey his friends request. They had Emily help him to the infirmary and let him lay. His wounds were treated and he was given PK (painkillers). Emily had left by now, leaving the two in silence. It was awkward silence though. Kurt finally spoke, "Thank you, Naib." he said with a small smile. "Hey that's what friends do, right?" he would softly punch his arm, which made him wince. "Oh shit- sorry." He chuckled a bit "You going soft on me, Mercy?" Naib scoffed "You wish." The two spent time while just talking and laughing to keep it from getting awkward. 
Kurt had felt it was finally time, time to tell the other how he was feeling towards him. "Hey Naib?" he called out, which made the Mercenary turn his head to him "Yeah what is it, Kurt?" He asked curiously, seeing the look on the others face made him worried. "Is something wrong? Are you okay?" He asked. Kurt started to sweat, getting nervous, maybe he wasn't able to do this. "Kurt whatever you have to tell me won't change our friendship, no matter what it is." He smiled, which made Kurt a bit more confident. "So this may seem weird, and random but..if I don't say it now I won't say it ever." He looked away a bit "So say it, I know you're not that much of a coward." He joked, then Kurt finally blurted it out. "I love you..more than a friend way.."



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