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Alright this is the first and maybe only chapter of this story it depends on y'all it takes place after the end of the last book

Ellie pov:

I stare at the orange woman in confusion "titans? Never heard of you are you guys new?" She giggles and shrugs "relatively new I suppose we've been around for six years or so. When we heard of you and your family we did our research we understand your the only one still being a hero yes?" I nod still ready and waiting for her to try something she chuckles "please relax as I said I mean you no harm I merely wish to invite you to meet the team we'd like you to join us" I took a deep breath and mulled it over "can I think about it" She smiles and nods "take a week to think about it then meet me by the.... nasty burger?" I giggle at her confusion and nod taking off for home

Small time skip

I walk in to the family home. Dad decided that a castle was too much so he treats it like an office and built a nice family home for us halfas. "Mom dad lil D I'm home." I say as I set my "work" bag on a hook. "How was patrol today?" Came a smooth voice from behind me "it was all quiet dad....for the most part" I could feel the raise of the eyebrow. "And that means?" "It means I got approached be a flying orange not ghost female who might not even be human in order to offer me a place on her crime fighting team" I say while strolling to the fridge acting or at least trying to act nonchalant about it "a flying orange not ghost female.....did she have a name?" "Uh yeah...she said it was Starfire and her group was called the titans or something like that" I'm trying desperately to not look at him and act cool I promised him I could handle this job I'm not gonna let him down "and they want you to be on their team?"his voice questioning but with emotions I couldn't decipher  "yeah they said they want a phantom ya know and I'm the only active one so I get the honor I guess. Anyway they gave me a week to think it over" he didn't respond for a few months and it scared me I looked up and saw pride and happiness "I think you should consider it you might actually benefit from such a group" I was shocked but didn't say anything I nodded and went up to my room to think. "Are you leaving us?" I look up at my door and see Dustin "don't say it like that I'll always come back home besides I could always set up a portal there so you can visit. Also that's only if I choose to go. Maybe I don't want to go huh then what?" I tug him close and give him a light noogie "cheer up squirt even if I do go it won't be forever" "promise?" I said so scared so innocent I had to smile "I promise"

One week later

I flew to the meeting place my choice made I landed just as she arrived "oh glorious day! Your here! Does that mean you'll be joining us then?" I hold up my hands at how bubbly she is "god she's so cheery...oh God I sound like mom" i drop my hands to my waist "hold on for a second. If I'm gonna do this a few rules need setting and a few things need to be agreed to. One should I decide I want out I'm walking no questions asked" she nods "two my civilian identity is off the table until I say otherwise" she simply nodded again "and three I need a lab" "all is agreeable but why do you need a lab?" "Because I like tinkering and building stuff" "Wonderful. Now if you'll follow me." She leads me to a motel outside of town "is this where you kill me?" She laughs and heads around back where a red star wars looking spacecraft is waiting for us then the back shifts like liquid and opens up while also making a ramp "follow me please" I was shocked and a little scared but I followed and took a seat she took what a guess was the captains seat in the middle of the ship and we took off heading for the west coast.

Well here's the first chapter of the sequal to my book Danny phantoms daughter if you liked it and want more please let me know also if you can name the ship and the show it came from you'll get a cyber cookie thank you all for reading my books I love you all

phantoms daughter and the titansWhere stories live. Discover now